Thursday 31 December 2015

Kaduna APC Suspends Chairman for Suspending Shehu Sani

Let me start but saying I think that Nigeria is going insane under President Muhammadu Buhari. Are civilians and politician taking advantage of the future octogenarian? Maybe!

Am sure we you all remember Senator Shehu sani who was just recently suspended but APC, no wait.. He was not suspended, uhmm  yes he was. But guess what! The Tudun Wada members have suspended their chairman in Kaduna state state. Is APC going bananas?

There is crisis in Kaduna State as the fracas between the governor Nasir El-Rufai and Senator from Tudun Wada ward, Shehu Sani continues to boil over.

Following the suspension of Senator Shehu Sani from the party by the Tudun Wada ward chairman, members of the ward have signed a letter suspending the chairman himself from office.

Source newsrescue

Did Nnamdi Kanu Really Apologize, Read the Handwritten Statement

SaharaReporters has exclusively received a copy of a handwritten statement signed by Nnamdi Kanu in which he apologized to President Muhammadu Buhari and Igbo elders for disparaging or insulting statements he made about them.

The statement, dated October 23, 2015, was made while he was in the custody of the Department of State Services (DSS) and on the official letterhead of DSS.

Mr. Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB) and Director of Radio Biafra, had among others called President Buhari evil, a terrorist and a paedophile. He has been in detention since his arrest on October 14th.  For nearly two months he was held in the custody of the DSS without any charges being officially issued against him.  During that time, he was also denied access to medical services and legal aid.

In the handwritten statement, Mr. Kanu said, “I unreservedly apologize [for my Buhari remarks] and will be doing so in a private letter to the President.”

Following his arrest, the IPOB leader was later officially charged, along with two others, with six counts of treason and other offences.  On December 17, he applied for and was granted bail, but remained in the custody of the DSS.

Of the statement of October 23, Mr. Kanu’s lawyer, Vincent Obetta, confirmed to a SaharaReporters correspondent on the phone that it was written by his client.

He, however, dismissed reports that stated his client apologized to President Buhari in a separate letter and that “until I see that [letter] I cannot comment” on it.

In addition to apologizing to President Buhari, Mr. Kanu also admitted to saying “uncomplimentary things” about former President Goodluck Jonathan which “should not have happened because it is un-African.”

Nnamdi Kanu apologizing to Goodluck Jonathan and Igbo elders

He described the IPOB as a group of people who wish to group themselves together “for the purpose of Evangelism or going out to the streets to distribute leaflets and preach the message of lawful existence of Biafra as stipulated in the UN Charter.”

Mr. Kanu denied that there is any agitation on his part for armed conflict, saying that any such suggestion is “purely designed to stop the Nigerian Armed Forces ostensibly the police from coming out and killing innocent people.”

IPOB volunteers, he also said, are “modeled on exactly the same tenet as the world renowned Salvation Army Front,” adding, “Its ambitions are army but it does not carry any weapons, and that the same thing applies to the volunteers of IPOB.

The full text of Mr. Kanu’s statement can be found below:

I can confirm that I, Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra worldwide is a legally registered and duly recognized body at the United Nations pursuing the rights of a specific indigenous people, in this case Biafra, to seek self-determination according to the said charter the reason for the formation of the Indigenous People of Biafra is to avail those referring to themselves as Biafrans the opportunity made available as a result of the United Nations Declaration to seek the peaceful re-Birth of Biafra in line with international laws, lack of holistic development in the socio-economic landscape of Nigeria, lack of youth employment, corruption in high offices, and economic repression.

Opportunities no longer existed for the majority of the people, and especially young graduates to find meaningful employment in the job market, general hardship, brutal repression of civil and human rights coupled with system that shuns inward investment contributed to the thinking behind the formation of IPOB.

The People of Biafra all over the world have particular emphasis on those residing in the diaspora it is not advised that those in Nigeria contribute. No contribution is accepted from those in political office or from organizations only individuals belonging to those organizations may choose to contribute if they wish to the volunteer force.  IPOB is a group of people who may wish to group themselves together for the purpose of Evangelism or going out to the streets to distribute leaflets and preach the message of lawful existence of Biafra as stipulated in the UN Charter.

There is no armed conflict agitating and any reference to such is purely designed to stop the Nigerian Armed Forces ostensibly the police from coming out and killing innocent people.

IPOB volunteers are modeled on exactly the same tenet as the world renowned Salvation Army Front. Its ambitions are army but it does not carry any weapons. The same thing applies to the volunteers of IPOB. There is no arms training involved. I am the Director of Radio Biafra and solely responsible for the output the (genre?) of Radio Biafra is strictly to capture attention and imagination and not designed to incite anyone to violence.

For very many years the Nigerian state and Nigerians in general have continued to witness poor economic management, fraud, corruption, and mismanagement of every sector of the economy. Therefore, as Radio Biafra programs were designed to wake up the public from their slumber and address the issues of the time, which is youth unemployment, lack of infrastructural provisions, poor electricity, an absence of rural development, and conspicuous absence of respect for human rights.

The area as envisaged as Biafra are predominantly South-East and South-South territories having cultural, linguistic, traditional, and commonality in value system. Reference to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as a terrorist, evil, and Paedophile is regrettable and uncalled for and for that I unreservedly apologize and will be doing so in a private letter to the President. Before PMB there was the administration of Goodluck Jonathan I also said some uncomplimentary things about him and Igbo elders as well, which I now recognize should have happened because it is un-African to be rude or insolent to elders. All I was trying to do is draw attention to the problems afflicting society and what society is doing about it.

The areas intended for the Biafran being espoused by Indigenous People of Biafra are Cross River, Akwa Ibom, Rivers, Anambra, Bayelsa Delta, Edo (but only Igbamke), Kogi (only Igala), and Imo States. The mission statement of Radio Biafra is dedicated to the defences of the rights of the indigenous people of Biafra and ultimately the restoration of the Republic of Biafra in line with United Nations Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous People

Nnamdi Kanu


Source Sahara Reporters

Wednesday 30 December 2015

El Rufai Turns Dictator Arrests Man For Criticizing Him

Following the arrest of Adamu Abdullahi (image above) at Badarawa Kaduna for “criticizing the Kaduna state government,” youth have gone up in flames reminding Kaduna governor Nasir El-Rufai that for the past six years he was the capital center of administration criticism, including the ones he tweets and the ones he retweets and denies endorsing.

Below are some reactions to the Kaduna State governor’s ‘muzzle’ actions:


by Malam Isah Abbas Ahmed

You have been causing trouble to past governments. You speak lies against many in the name of opposition or criticism, yet you are unhappy because we speak truth
about you and your administration.

Our memories are still fresh El-Rufa’i. Your false allegations against Yar’Adua made you ran away from Nigeria.

You speak lies and evil just recently against Jonathan. You followed bits and pieces of even his personal life. Recently you lied about what Jonathan spent to celebrate independence and when we inquire for the truth you deleted the post.

What we do and are still doing to you is nothing buy saying the truth and exposing your ill-intentions against the good people of Kaduna State.

Yes! We support anyone who speaks the truth against you
evil policies.

If you know you are on the right path why don’t you defend yourself by righting your wrong policies? Now that you think using the police is best for you and your last option instead of changing from bad to good, I want to assure you that NO AMOUNT OF INTIMIDATION will stop us
from speaking the truth and supporting that who you want to do away with.

Our good friends invited to the Police Headquarters have gone and are not intimidated and shall never be as cowards as you think.

Nura Usman wrote:

NASIRU EL RUFAI don’t you know that the olive of today have change? The days on impunity is over, PMB is in charge now.

When the then Kaduna state governor Alhaji (Dr.) Mukhtar Ramalan Yero wrote to the police on some of you attitude during campaign and they invite you, you shout foul play and we all sympathies with you and the whole world listen.

Here you are today trying to silence a poor social critic Adamu Abdullahi simply because he said the right thing must be done. Habaa Nasiru, if it was same treatment Uncle Jona gave you, would you have being what you are today?

Some of you post are enough to creat war in Nigeria but Uncle Jona decide to pretend as if he don’t know you exist? here you are today getting not even upto 1% of what you did then but you are reacting foul. Please let’s play the game as it’s just a back play of what you did then.

This is just a highlight, wait for the real game that will commence in 2016.

We refuse to be intimidated.

Here is a tweet from El rufai expressing him self in the past

Source newsrescue

Legendary Actor Bill Cosby Faces Jail Time for Sexual Assault

An arrest warrant has been issued for entertainer Bill Cosby for allegedly drugging and sexually assaulting former Temple employee Andrea Constand at his Elkins Park, Pennsylvania mansion in January 2004, Montgomery County District Attorney-Elect Kevin Steele said at a Wednesday press conference.

Cosby is expected to be arraigned later this afternoon in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania.

"A prosecutor's job is to follow the evidence wherever it leads and whenever it comes to light," Steele said. "Upon examination of all the evidence, today we are able to seek justice on behalf of the victim."

Steele said that Constand "came to consider Mr. Cosby her mentor and her friend."

He said that Cosby "made two sexual advances at her that were rejected." He added, "Mr. Cosby urged her to take pills and to drink wine, the effect of which left her unable to [rebuff his advances]."

Prosecutor say the the release of a deposition last summer from a 2005 civil suit filed by Constand, in which Cosby admitted to giving quaaludes to women he wanted to have sex with, caused the District Attorney's office to reopen the case.

Constand was not available for comment but one of her attorneys expressed gratitude toward the prosecutor.

"Obviously we appreciate the expression of confidence in her," says Dolores Troiani of her client, Constand, 42, who is now a massage therapist in Ontario, Canada. "We'll have to see what happens. We hope justice will be

done. We will cooperate fully."

Cosby has previously said what happened between him and Constand was consensual, but in new court filings last summer Constand said she was in a relationship with a woman at the time. She also called Cosby a "narcissist" who missed cues that she's gay.

The statute of limitations to charge Cosby runs out in January.

Troiani exclusively told PEOPLE in September that if prosecutors decided to arrest Cosby for the alleged assault, Constand would fully cooperate.

"I think she's a very strong lady," Troiani said. "She'll do whatever she needs to do, whatever they ask of her."

So far, more than 50 women have accused the entertainer of drugging and/or sexually assaulting them. (Cosby has vehemently denied all of the allegations). The warrant comes just two weeks after Cosby filed defamation lawsuits against several of those accusers, who have filed defamation lawsuits of their own against him.

Of those lawsuits Troiani would only say, "I think this arrest warrant speaks for itself. I don't think I have to talk any louder than they have."


Real Live Fight Club in South Africa, Rules Blood, Knock out Or Tap out

I must say i fel in love with the movie fight club, it just never gets old each time see it. Little did I know that there actually is a fight club right here in the african continent. The only difference is its just BLOOD, GUTS and NO CASH

Men from the Venda tribe in northeast South Africa battle for glory in the Musangwe tournament every Christmas

The competition has been held on the same field since the 1800s and used to be how the bravest warriors were selected
Boxers only follow three rules and fighting only stops if someone bleeds, is knocked out or surrenders

This year's competition has been plagued by soaring temperatures as hundreds of people turned out to watch the fights

There are three rules of this fight club.

One; the fight continues until blood is shed. Two; someone is knocked out, or three; a fighter surrenders by raising his hand.

These are the incredible photos of this year's annual bare-knuckle boxing competition in the Limpopo province of northern South Africa which has been held by the Venda tribe from the 1800s.

Battling against the brutal heat of high summer as well as each other, fighters compete in the centuries-old Musangwe tournament every Christmas.

Traditionally, the fights were used to select the bravest men in the tribe and to teach them how to be a warrior, but now they fight for pride.

Matches start early in the day and have three age groups - young boys are called 'mambibi' and teenage fighters are 'rovhasize'.

But it's the masters that are the main draw and dominate the circle, which has been the match ground for their fathers and their fathers before them.


Raise of The Zombies, Ebola Victim comes to Life in Africa

Ebola Victim Rises From The Dead In Africa, Fear Of Zombie Apocalypse – For the first time in human history, confirmed footage is captured of a man who scientists watched die from Ebola then only several hours later, regain life and rise from the dead.

Isaiah 26:19-20:

19:But your dead will live, Lord;their bodies will rise—let those who dwell in the dust wake up and shout for joy— your dew is like the dew of the morning; the earth will give birth to her dead.

20 Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by.

Ganta, Liberia – Officials in Liberia have released the first confirmed image of a captured Ebola victim who rose from the dead. The name of the victim has not been released by the WHO, and news of the patient rising from the dead comes only hours after the United States announced its First Ebola victim in Dallas, Texas.

The Liberian government is accusing the United States of creating Ebola as a bioweapon to use for future wars. Citizens of Liberia have expressed outrage and concern that the US may have tested an ‘evolved’ form of the virus on their nation’s populace, not forseeing the virus’ spread reaching beyond medical containment

The first reports of Ebola victims rising from the dead was reported by Liberia’s National Newspaper. Initially, officials from the World Health Organization fled in shock and horror as the Ebola patients suddenly arose from the dead. After organizing military reinforcements and obtaining increased containment measures, World Health Organization’s special operations staff quickly responded with military assistance and quarantined the two Ebola victims who arose from the dead.

With Texas now infested with an unknown amount of Ebola patients, nearby Kansas has declared a state of emergency. Kansas Governor Sam Brownback has declared October “Zombie Awareness Month” and the state is on high alert for a zombie outbreak. Homes across the state are to receive pamphlets warning them of how to prevent the spread of Ebola and what to do if an Ebola Victim falls dead and then starts to show life again.

Updates will be made to this report as details become available. Please continue to watch television and online news sources for the latest details. Officials estimate the Ebola virus will spread to over 5 million people within two months. The virus is deadly if not treated. It is currently not known how many people the Dallas Ebola victim came in contact with before quarantine measures were put into place.

Stay tuned as the news develops


Chinese sends Fake Condoms to Kenya

Goods the every one agree shoukd be of high quality, most especially when it comes to goods that affect our health, hence counterfieted/low quality goods are frown upon.

With the prominence of Chinese manufacturing, goods have been made affordable but quality have not been always maintained, this culture has just taken a worse turn as

Police in Shanghai on Tuesday uncovered a manufacturing workshop making bogus Durex condoms which were to be sent to Kenya, reported Kenya Today.

The fake condoms were reportedly sold online under well-known brands like Durex and Jissbon to Kenyan hotels.

About 3 million condoms which were being sold at $0,05 each are reported to have been confiscated.

In addition to being of an inferior quality, the condoms are said to contain an offensive smell, according to Chinese police.

While we may be accustomed to seeing rip-offs of popular labels being sold on street corners and in some shops, condoms are obviously are different matter. This ought to be seen as a crime against humanity!


Tuesday 29 December 2015

Dont Break The Bank Throw A Nigerian Wedding For Under 49k only

Early this year some guy tweeted he won’t cough more than fifty thousand naira for his wedding and Nigerian Twitters went hard on him.
Say what?

So many Nigerian couples have been engaged for more than fifteen years and the excuse is always FUNDS for a wedding ceremony!

I decided to make a list based on this budget and realised a 50K wedding is possible. I mean a proper wedding with a bridal train, cake, small chops, drinks, wine and jollof rice.
You’ll even end up with N50 change by the time you are done. See list below…

A set of one carat diamond wedding rings from Jumia (Black Friday Price): N4000

Cost of hire of fairly used Aba made wedding gown: N3500

White high heels from Dealdey: N3500

Five yards of black material for black suit at N700 per yard: N3000
Tailor Workmanship: N3000

Starched white shirt from Yaba Market: N1000

Men shoes from Ikeja Along: N2500
Groom old tie: N0

12 inches of Remi Brazilian Hair: N7000

Ozone Relaxer: N150

Bride Accessories (Old ones): N0

Hairdresser charges: N1700

Groom Haircut: N300

Best Man- Freestyle with old suit: N0

Freshly plucked hibiscus flowers as bride bouquet: N0

Bridesmaid dresses for a train of three- freestyle (On Your Own): N0

Bridal Makeup DIY: N0

Bridal train makeup DIY: N0

Cost of bulk sms as wedding invites (100 sms for 100 guests): N300
Car hire from relative or friend: N0

Car Decoration(Balloons & ribbons): N500

Fuel: N3000

Wedding Venue: His

Wedding Photography (A friend or relative iPhone): N0

Photogrid app for editing/pasting Bella Naija logo on photos: N0

Reception Venue (Open field Somewhere at Ota): N0

Cost of hire of 20 white plastic chairs: N2000

Reception MC (Bride or groom relative): N0

Music from relatives phone (China phone preferably): N0

London used mobile phone speaker from computer village: N2000

Wedding Cake from Cakes&Cream: N3500

Short bread from Balogun Market (Feeding of the couple): N300

Fresh agege Bread as surplus for feeding of the couple (If groom is still hungry): N100

Five Alive juice (Feeding of the couple): N350

A crate of 35cl coke (For the few long throat wedding guests who still followed to Ota): N1500

Freshly made zobo as wedding guests wine: N1000

Disposable cups to stand in as glasses: N500

One packet of cabin for small chops: N700

5 wraps of Onitsha chinchin mixed together for small chops: N500

Big pack of gala diced in circles as small chops: N500

Twenty five packs of locally prepared jollof rice from Iya Basira: N2500

Bic biros as wedding souvenir: N500

Miscellaneous: N500

Balance: N50

Now you can share this with someone planning a wedding soon.
Happy married life in advance!


Sgns You Have Ovarian Cancer (Women) Get Help!

If you haven't suffered an injury that you know of, but still have back pain, visit your doctor. It can be an early sign of ovarian cancer, but also a slew of other things.

Regular pain or heaviness in your pelvic region can be cause for concern. Check with your doctor.

Abnormal bleeding or a major change in your menstrual cycle can be an early warning sign that you should get checked out.

Being tired all the time is another sign of ovarian cancer, this one being a possible indicator of an advanced stage.

If you notice that you get full quicker when eating, this is a cause for concern. Early satiety is one of the most common symptoms of ovarian cancer.

Painful intercourse can be a big sign of early ovarian cancer.

Nausea and vomiting can come along with an advanced stage of ovarian cancer, due to a blockage in the intestines.


Bomb Shell; Deash is Trained by Turkey on Turkish Soil

A Daesh militant recently captured by Syrian Kurdish fighters says Turkey has been training members of the terror group in camps on its soil.

In an interview with the Russia-based Sputnik International, Abdurrahman Abdulhadi said he had received training in a camp in the Turkish city of Adana before carrying out his first terror mission as a Daesh member.

Abdulhadi, a Syrian national, said the area in Adana was disguised as a base for the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA), a group of anti-Damascus extremists called by Turkey and its allies as “moderate” militants.

Ankara and Daesh “only appear to be enemies, however, they are friends,” said the 20-year-old Abdulhadi, who was captured by the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Unit (YPG) fighters in northern Syria in November.

“In August 2014, I was training in the Turkish town of Adana” with one of Daesh commanders, said Abdulhadi, adding his month-long training was completed with 60 other militants in a camp “not far from the airport.”

The prisoner stated that his military training was conducted by two officers and one of them only “spoke Turkish, so another one had to translate for him.”

The captured terrorist said Daesh leaders have set up training camps in Turkey because they believe the country is safer compared to Syria, where there is the risk of being spotted by warplanes.

Most of Daesh members join the terrorist outfit to earn a living, Abdulhadi said.

He also revealed that the terror group is receiving ammunition in trucks disguised as non-military cargo.

“Weapons were brought to us in civilian cars, not in military ones because fighter jets might have bombed them. ISIL is now mostly using civilian vehicles. I’ve heard they put vegetables on top of boxes with ammunition, so that war planes do not spot them.”

Ankara has been among the main supporters of the militant groups operating in Syria, which has been grappling with a foreign-backed crisis since 2011.

In May, Turkish daily Cumhuriyet posted a video on its website that purportedly showed trucks belonging to Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT) carrying weapons to the terror groups in Syria.

Turkey has also been accused on numerous occasions of being involved in illegal oil trade with Dash terrorists. Earlier this month, Russia released pictures and videos purportedly showing the movement of oil tankers from Daesh-controlled areas in Syria toward Turkey.

Courtesy PressTv

Nigeria Prision Service Rejects Fatigue Change

There is a growing wave of discontent among some officers and men of the Nigerian Prisons Service (NPS) over the decision of the Minister of Interior, Gen. Abdulrahman Dambazau to effect a change of the current fatigues uniform of the personnel.
Gen. Dambazau had at a recent meeting with the management team of the service announced his resolve to change the fatigues of its personnel in an effort to boost their morale.

The current prisons uniform is light-green and entry-level officers are often made to part with N6, 000 to procure them before the end of their stay at the training schools.

However, many junior-level officers who spoke with our correspondent on the condition of anonymity described the move as providing an official leeway for extortion.

They opined that rather than change the uniforms, the new minister should endeavour to change the fortunes of both the service and its personnel.
According to them, aside the issue of stagnation in rank, there is the vexed issue of lack of logistics for effective execution of their mandate.

“The service now has only about 18 functional Black Marias. We still have prisons built with mud. We lack escort vehicles. Many of us have stagnated on one rank for years. These are issues that should be addressed and not a change of uniform which is at best, merely cosmetic”, said one of the officers.

Another officer told our correspondent that except the uniforms would be given to them free, many state controllers are likely to put their own price tag different from the official price.

“I can bet that even when they are asked to give us the uniforms for free, there are those who would still place their own monetary demands on top and tell you it is for logistics,” he stated.

Courtesy Vanguard

Monday 28 December 2015

Oprah Winfrey Pregnant at 61year of Age

Am suprised about this news when I heard it, because I grew up to think that she was never going too marry or give birth. But here it is unbelievable, even at the age of 61.


Oprah Winfrey has more money ($3 Billion) than she will ever be able to spend in her lifetime, so choosing to have this child means her baby will be born a billionaire. She reportedly can’t stop crying tears of joy as this is the one thing she has always wanted since she lost her baby at 14.

We reached out to Oprah to find out what she planned on naming her 1st born and she’s going with ‘Harpo’ (Oprah spelled backwards) if it’s a boy and Gayle if it’s a girl after her best friend of more than 40 years.


Courtsey tiwasblog

Have a look at the Ugliest Man in Uganda and his Eight son and new wife

Godfrey Baguma, a 47 year-old man popularly known as Sebabi (‘ugliest of them all’) was dubbed ugly because of his unusual looks which are caused by a rare medical condition that he suffers from. He has created media buzz after he recently fathered his eighth child with his second wife, Kate Namanda, 30 confirming that love conquers all.

The couple has six kids plus two children from Sebabi’s first marriage. The Mirror reports that he met Namanda when she was 18 through his aunt who played go-between and stayed with her four years before making it official because he was afraid of being rejected. “I told her that I didn’t choose to look the way I do and that if she feels I am a burden, she is free to (leave) me, but she chose to stay”

These words from his mouth evoke sadness in the way they express the burden that he carries with him daily because of his condition and stigma that comes with it. Being referred to as ‘the ugliest’ is one type of constant stigma he lives with, that leaves us with a barrage of questions about the scale or system that the people use to determine one’s ugliness. Have we as Africans, lost respect for each other? Why is it that people no longer feel touched by another person’s predicament? It seems like the communities have come to a point where people are not touched by other people’s suffering instead they use other people’s ailments to ridicule them.


Where do we draw the line? It is perplexing to know that people nowadays tend to use the term ‘ugly’ loosely to the extend that the use it to describe the side effects of someone’s chronic medical condition. Instead of laughing at his story, people should be asking themselves what happened to the spirit of Ubuntu where people used to feel for each other, when people used to say injury to one is an injury to all.

Their wedding ceremony held in 2013 in his home town of Kyazanga, in the Lwengo District of Uganda, attracted a attention after some of the guests at the wedding reportedly paid UGS 4,000 ($1) to attend the reception and see the woman Sebabi married.


Primate Elija Babatunde Ayodele Releases Prophecies for 2016

Primate Elijah Babatunde Ayodele is the founder and spiritual head of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church. In this interview with select journalists, he released prophecies for 2016.

As 2015 comes to an end, what do you foresee in 2016?
I see Saudi Arabia being attacked by terrorists. I see that Ebola is still very much around Africa. Coca Cola will rebrand and must pray against fire outbreak. Political enemies will disorganise the Bayelsa State governor so that his second term bid can crumble. But if Governor Dickson seeks the face of God and work very hard, he will win a second term. But if he relaxes, the APC candidate will shock him. Let us pray against attacks on our pipelines.

You reportedly said during the last elections that PDP will not win some core northern states?I do not understand what you are talking about. But what God made me to see on that issue, I shared it on page 10 of Saturday Independent of January 3, 2015; I said ‘God told me that the APC will win in Sokoto State, that the PDP will find it difficult to retain Kaduna, Kano and Katsina.’ All these are stories now, This is how to know a true prophet of God and sometimes God can change His mind on certain things. God is unquestionable because He shares His plans with His prophets alone and that is why the prophets of the nation should be on their toes to warn on impending dooms. Prophecy is not to create panic.

Do you see the administration of President Buhari succeeding in its war against corruption?
President Muhammadu Buhari is very sincere about his war against corruption. But I see him shooting himself in the leg, because he is going to take on some powerful people in this war and they are going to fight back big time. I do not belong to any party, I am not a politician and I do not know any of them personally. This is what God has sent me to deliver and I am delivering them as He sent me. Besides this, God told me that Buhari and Tinubu will fight seriously. I see their fight breaking up APC and a new mega party will emerge from the remnants of APC and PDP.

I also see Buhari’s CPC party coming back with a bang if care is not taken, because some people will want to lift up the party and I see a northern agenda playing out in two years’ time. I see the seat of the current governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Mr. Emefele, shaking and I see some top staff of CBN being removed. I see South-west and South-east experiencing bomb scare. We have defeated Boko Haram, but we should work more against non-Boko Haram terrorists like ISIS and others. Governor of Anambra State, Chief Willie Obiano, must not dump his party, APGA, otherwise his political future will run into trouble and also may not retain his second term. The security issue is going to cause a lot of indictment and even the present security situation in this country, because, there are lots of factors that will not want Buhari’s December deadline to be achieved.

So, you see that the December deadline will not be achieved?
If Buhari is putting pressure on the military and take up the challenges they will succeed. The only way our soldiers can fight and succeed is through the air. It is the Air Force that will fight and win, not our land troops. The Boko Haram has enough weapons to fight the army. It is better to fight the sect through the air strike, which will cost the Boko Haram a lot of causalities. I do not see Nigeria fighting Boko Haram again; we are fighting a group deadlier than Boko Haram. I foresee religious crisis and ethnic crisis; we have to be very careful. I see another confab still coming. From the spiritual realm, Nigeria is tired of going as one nation. It is either we change the modalities, whereby we will have regional governments or we have a separate nation. This is what God has shown me. Anybody might condemn this prophecy, or say anything about it. The truth will be revealed much later. I see more groups agitating for Nigeria’s dismemberment. I see protests here and there

I see that there will be changes in the army, air force, navy and even in the National Intelligence Service, because there will be a report they will not want to be made public. The report is going to cause a lot of rancour among the security agents. So, we have to be watchful. At the same time, DSS will be sued, army will be sued and the police will be sued. I see more people being exposed for corruption that will shock Nigerians. Edo State governor Oshiomhole must hand over power to someone within his cabinet; otherwise APC will not retain that state after Oshiomhole’s second term. In Ondo State, I see three names in PDP that if the party works hard, one of them will win the state. I see Lawal, Jegede and Bamidele. In APC, I see two names, Akeredolu and Borrofice but I see that Borrofice will brighten the party’s chances of winning the state after Mimiko’s tenure. I foresee fresh crisis between Nigeria and some neighbouring countries. There will be issues that will come up that will not be favourable to these countries. So, the issue of a joint force with other country will cause a lot of problems. So, the issue of security will still need a lot of prayers. Churches have to go into prayers because I see serious crisis in the land. I see crisis in the petroleum sector whether the government removes subsidy or not. Some customs officers will face queries and some will lose their offices. I also see crisis in the Immigration. I see new seaports in Nigeria.

Let us pray. Let us pray we do not lose any emir. Emir of Kano, Emir of Niger should be prayerful over their healths. I see people who are close to President Buhari ganging up against him and misleading him. Let us pray we do not lose a one-time governor and minister. Let us pray against fighter jet crash. Let us also pray against an Air Force plane crash and local aircraft land crash as well. I see changes in NAFDAC. I foresee changes in NDLEA leadership. In the aspect of health, we must pray against unexpected diseases, outbreak of diseases and Cholera. Journalists must pray so that we do not lose any seasoned journalist through accidents and attack and let us pray that any media house does not go up in flames. I see the Police Pension Commission being probed. There will be an attack on Israel. France must be careful of terrorist attack. I see crisis in Catholic Church and Methodist churches. Chief Olu Falae and Pa Lanihun Ajayi should pray over their health. I see lots of changes in CBN. CBN governor, CBN deputy governor and other top officials should pray, as I see their seats being threatened. Let us pray we do not lose any senior officer in CBN.

Then some banks like Zenith Bank, GTB, Fidelity Bank, First Bank, they should be careful not to be indicted and also fined. They must be very careful and hey must pray against robbery and law suits. Let us pray that no bank goes up in flames. Likewise, I see some insurance companies facing challenges. Nigerian club side can win a champion league if those people who are going to represent Nigeria seek the face of God. Let them pray so that they will not lose at the quarter or semi final. They can win a cup for Nigeria if they are serious. I see government clamping down on bureau de change change and changing the policies on bureau de change. Electricity will not be stable until 2018 . That is what the Lord has shown me. AU will face challenges over funds and security. I see changes in ECOWAS. I see bomb scare at UN offices around the world. There will be protest and bomb scare in Kenya. I see problems in Angola and Cote D’Ivoire. I see tension in Ekiti, Akwa Ibom, Delta, Ondo, Lagos, Kwara, Ogun, Osun, Imo, Kano, Niger and Adamawa states. These states must pray very well. I see reforms and retrenchment in the civil service.

Let us pray against suicide bombers in the south-west and eastern part of the nation. I do not see the success of the Treasury Single Account. I see it causing corruption. Government must be careful over it

Courtesy Gisthubng

Sunday 27 December 2015


The National Taskforce on Illegal Importation of Small Arms, Ammunition and Light Weapons, (NATFORCE), has petitioned President Muhammadu Buahri over alleged frustration of the war against small arms into the country by the chairman Police Service Commission (PSC), Sir Mike Okiro and allies of embattled ex-National Security Adviser (NSA), Col. Sambo Dasuki.

NATFORCE Plateau State Command

In a petition to Buhari entitled: Request for release of signal to NATFORCE, signed by director general of the Taskforce, Chief Emmanuel Okereke, alleged that Okiro and the accomplices of Sambo Dasuki, have continued to influence the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Mr. Solomon Arase, from authorising a signal for NATFORCE to operate effectively.

The statement read in part: “Due to the sensitive and high-risk nature of our job, a little over three months ago, we applied to the Inspector General of Police for signal to enable us carry out our duties effectively.

“However, till date we are yet to receive any positive response from the Inspector General of Police, this has frustrated our action and efforts in combating illegal arms circulating in Nigeria.

“Surprisingly, we have been reliably informed that the chairman of Police Service Commission (PSC) has been frustrating our request. As such we are at a loss as to why a public servant who earns from the Federal Government should be sabotaging the efforts of the government he claims to be serving.”

Okereke further stated that as part of plans to frustrate a body duly recognised by government, Okiro and his accomplices, which include one Ms. Udeaku Obioha, have sponsored a parallel executive headed by a one Gilbert Bravo Obi, to discredit the activities of NATFORCE.

He appealed to the president to investigate the activities of these accomplices, which include Gilbert Bravo Obi, one Brigadier Jackson Bent, and Dr. Ralph John, noting that “they will provide further details of what businesses they handled in the office of the NSA in the last administration as well as impersonation of officials of the NATFORCE”.

By Chizoba Ogbeche/photos by Martins

Angels Physically Appear in Church (Video)

If i hadnt watched this video,  I personally wouldnt belive it at all! But here it is on video, complete manifestation right in the sermon.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri told congregants at this Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) in South Africa to see live the Angels appearing in church during his sermon.

Prophets Bushiri tells church: See Angels appearing physically


ECG members erupt as ‘Angels appear physcially’

The vastly rich Bushiri who boasts of a private Jet and numerous mansions in Zambia, Malawi and South Africa explained that in the spiritual realms, demonstration of power is so vital especially to all the doubting Thomases and that biblical Elijah is the spectacular example among them all when he demonstrated the power of God before the prophets of Baal.

See video here...

Congregants erupted as they appeared seeing “ Angels in white” flying over the attendant crowd in the house of prayers.

The service which was aired live on ECG channel, provided another startling sight leaving the crowd in complete awe.

The Malawian prophet, the ‘Major 1 Papa’ who has become mega popular in South Africa and other parts of the world over recently performed two miracles – walking in bare air and capturing a remote person with an iPad – both of which stirred controversy and mixed reactions.

Coming back to back, the miracles have created a persistent whirl of extraordinary aura                while stamping his heavenly-backed authority.

Nyasa times

Mobile Policeman Kills Twin Brothers one other and Self

According to reports, a drunk policeman, Stephen James, on Saturday shot and killed three men at a hotel in the Ketu area of Lagos State.He shot and killed twin brothers identified as Taiwo and Kehinde Oyesunle (who were the only children of their mother) and their friend known simply as Jeje.

The tragic incident took place outside the premises of Paulson Hotel on Anibaba Street around 4:20pm.
According to eyewitnesses, trouble started when the police sergeant Stephen James threatened to shoot customers if they failed to buy him an alcoholic drink. The policeman, who was said to be a habitual smoker of marijuana, became upset when the twins- Taiwo and Kehinde and their friend, Jeje – cautioned him about his excessive drinking and advised him to act like a responsible policeman.

According to eyewitness account, as the trio stepped outside the hotel premises where they had gone to celebrate Jeje’s birthday, the Policeman shot and killed them. When he realized what he had done,the policeman reportedly shot himself in the chest.

A guest at the hotel, who witnessed the killings, told SUNDAY PUNCH that the policeman had boasted about wanting to kill people hours before the incident happened.

The customer, who identified himself only as Femi, said all efforts to pacify the policeman proved abortive as he kept fomenting trouble and harassing visitors with his gun all afternoon.
He said:
“I was in the bar when the policeman first came in and threatened to shoot customers if they failed to buy him drinks. He boasted that he felt like killing someone today, but other customers and I pleaded with him.“When the three guys walked in and sat, he went to them and threatened them too.

But the guys told him to calm down that they would take care of him but he should comport himself as a responsible police officer.“Nobody knew he took offence with their statement. The police officer shot the three guys one after the other as they stepped outside the hotel before killing himself. The whole thing happened like a movie,” he said.

Another resident Ladipo Idowu said that the policeman was known to cause trouble in the area. He said James usually fired his gun indiscriminately and the residents had warned the hotel authorities to caution him.

Another eyewitness, Dada Salawu, said, he was passing by when he saw the policeman and the three friends exchanging words. He said hardly had he left the area when the policeman opened fire on the victims.

A former girlfriend to one of the slain twins told SUNDAY PUNCH that they were the only children of their parents.
The lady, who was inconsolable as she spoke to one of our correspondents, said the twins were still mourning the death of their father who passed away in June 2014 when their lives were cut short.

She said:
“I called them very early on Saturday morning not to go outside their compound after I dreamt of seeing blood. I called them again at about 2:00pm to warn them. The twins, however, decided to drive a vehicle a relation had just bought at about 3:00pm. They drove to Paulson Hotel.”

The Sports Utility Vehicle which the victims drove was still parked in front of the hotel.

An angry mob, which later gathered at the scene of the tragedy, attempted to burn down the hotel and destroy properties within its premises.

As irate youths threw bottles and stones at the hotel, lodgers ran out of their rooms with their luggage and fled the scene. The hotel has been reportedly deserted by staff and guests.

The youths also wanted to burn the corpse of the policeman, but policemen, who later got to the scene pleaded with them.
Policemen led by the Divisional Police Officer of the Ketu Police Station arrived at the scene at about 5.30 pm to carry the corpses away.

The Police Public Relations Officer, Mr. Joe Offor, confirmed the killings but said he had not yet received the full details of the incident.
DSP Joe Offor said:
“The policeman was on duty at that hotel. He was attached to Mopol 22, Ikeja. He was drunk


Muslim Engineer kidnapped female colleague and rape her for five days

An Indian man has been accused of kidnapping and raping a female colleague for five days to force her to convert to Islam.

Engineer Syen Emad Hasan, 30, proposed to the 27-year-old woman but she rejected him and said her family would not allow 'an inter-religious marriage', police said.

He harassed her until she cut short a work trip to Dubai. When she returned home to confront Hasan, he abducted her, locked her up at his house and took away her phone.

Hasan and the woman, who has not been named, worked together at a Dell computer repairs shop in Gachibowli, Hyderabad.

When she left the company and moved to Dubai in August, he 'continued to torture her on social media', police said.

'The woman told us she was forced to talk to Hasan as he showed her photos and videos of them together in Hyderabad, and threatened to send them to her father, said Inspector Ravinder.

He added: 'He [Hasan] also demanded that she send inappropriate photos of her.'

When she returned home to Hyderabad to confront him, he snatched her away to his flat in the al-Hasanath colony, Indian Express reported.

'He took three days’ leave and brutalised and sexually assaulted her,' said an officer of Hyderabad's 'She Team', a police unit tasked with investigating sexual assault.

They added: 'He threatened to continue doing so until she agreed to marry him after converting to Islam. He even threatened to set her on fire and strangle her.

'He took away her phone, passwords of her e-mail, Facebook, and started using them in her name. She was denied access to anybody.'

After four days of captivity, the woman managed to get onto Facebook when Hasan was out and messaged her friend.

Her friend contacted her brother in the south western city of Karnataka, who made the 280 mile journey to Hyderabad and alerted the police.

Police found the woman locked in a bathroom in a state of shock with severe injuries to her head and face.

'Hasan said they were lovers, but the woman appears very scared in his presence,’ the 'She Team' official said.

Photos and videos of the woman were found on his mobile phone and laptop.



In a suprising row, the general overseer of Deeper Life Church Pastor Kumuyi has taken to the social media and called Christmas Idolatry.

The Popular man of God emphatically warned members of his church to stop Christmas celebration because it is idolatry.

Kumuyi made this known on during the National December Retreat that held along Lagos-Ibadan Expressway.

He is of the opinion that the birth of Christ should be celebrated every single day and not once a year. It should be noted that other prominent figures and pastors also I share the same opinion.

He also reteriated and condemned how people spend lots of money on December 25th celebration and relegating other issues to the background. He therefore urged his followers to seek first the Kingdom of God and much more would be added to them.

This message however has drawn responses from social media users....

Edited from Nigeria

Another Wave of Islamophobic hits France

Just 24 hours after a group of Muslims volunteered to guard christian worshiping on christmas day, peace seems to have broken down yet again.

Around 100 people marched in the Corsican capital of Ajaccio on Saturday, shouting anti-Muslim slogans. The protest happened in the same low-income neighborhood that violence erupted in earlier this week.

More than a hundred people were reportedly seen in the streets, shouting, “we are still here.”

The demonstrators used firecrackers and shouted offensive nationalist slogans, witnesses said on social media.

Local authorities asked the protesters to stop their action, with the prefect of Corsica, Christophe Marmand, saying that their actions “give a disastrous image of Corsica,” Le Figaro reported.

Saturday’s anti-Muslim demo on the French Mediterranean island followed earlier protests in the region, in which a Muslim prayer hall was vandalized and books including several copies of the Koran were set on fire.

Courted NewsRescue

Virgin Mary Appears In a Catholic Church In Georgia

In a rear apparition one which for some time now has happened in various states in Nigeria i.e Plateau state, Kaduna state, Benue state to mention but a few.

And now crowds of worshippers are surging to the Transfiguration Catholic Church in Marietta, Georgia, and it's not as a result of the priest's sermon. It's thanks to what the pastor describes as a 'divine occurrence' after an image of the virgin Mary appeared on the church's window. Visitors have left flowers beneath the window and built a makeshift altar.

Responding to allegations that the 'divine occurrence' may have more mortal origins, the church's pastor Father Bernardo Molina says he did not create the image himself.

'There are a lot of people that may think it's a stain or condensation. They ask if I drew it,' he said.

'No, no, no. There's no way you can do that,' he added.

Father Molina said the unusual mark appeared on the window on December 12 and can be seen on most sunny days.


One woman who was among the throngs queuing up to see the 'miracle' was in tears as she prayed to the silhouette.

'Believe, believe and have faith,' was her message.

In a Facebook post to the church's followers, Father Molina said he was not sure how the image appeared.

He said: 'Many parishioners and other visitors claim it to be an image of the Virgin Mary.
I have heard several explanations ranging from a divine occurrence to a faulty window coating. I will let you make your own interpretation.

'We may never agree on why or how this image appeared on the window.'

Kevin Djakpor blog

Saturday 26 December 2015

Fresh Graduate Employment In Nigeria

The Company
A consulting company which provides a fast, reliable professional assistance to large firms, local businesses, small offices, home offices, computer users, academic institution and government in the areas of information system security & audit accounting services and tax consulting.

Pierre Consulting seeks to recruit qualified candidates to fill this position below:

Job Title: Trainee Consultant

Location: Lagos

Job Summary
The Trainee Consultant would need to build his skills in the areas of Sales of Software and Technology; training of corporate individuals from various industries, firms, banks, private and public sectors;
Implementation of technology software and consultancy; and be able to provide needed support for existing clients.
Traveling to other states outside Lagos would be required at some point.

Job Descriptions
IS/IT Audit.
Training of clients on Software for accountants and auditors.
Offer specific training programs to help workers maintain or improve job skills.
Monitor, evaluate and record training activities and program effectiveness.
Monitor, evaluate and record training activities and program effectiveness.
Attend meetings and seminars to obtain information for use in training programs, or to inform management of training program status.
Implementation of software for accountants and auditors.
Schedule classes based on availability of classrooms, equipment, and instructors.
Organize and develop, or obtain, training procedure manuals and guides and course materials such as handouts and visual materials.

Qualifications and Requirements
Minimum of OND in any discipline.
Entry Level.
Love for technology
Good computer appreciate skills with Microsoft office packages as an advantage
Good communication skills.
Flexible and teachable personality.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV's and applications Letter to:

Application Deadline  30th January, 2016.


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