Tuesday 26 July 2016

Law Makers Lampoon Obasanjo Calling Him A Man Of No Integrity

The say those who's leave in glass houses shoiukd not throw stones, and that while digging a pit we shouldnt make it too dig because we might just fall in ourselves.

As plain as this advices might sound, keeping them at most times prove to be a herculean task.

Am sure you all remember in the not too distant past, former president Olusegun Obasanjo sought to bribe his way to a third term bid, and that power generation funds also went with the wind as billions (16b) was allocated to and yet nothing to show for it.

Well, former president Olusegun Obasanjo has come under attack following his recent comment that the National Assembly was filled with rogues and armed robbers.

Obasanjo had after a meeting with President Muhammadu Buhari given his opinion on the alleged padding of the 2016 budget in the House of Representatives.

He said the budget padding crisis rocking the House of Reps, vindicated his position on the conduct of the lawmakers.

Olusegun Obasanjo said the National Assembly was filled with rogues
In a swift reaction, the chairman of the Senate Committee on Culture and Tourism, Senator Matthew Urhoghide (PDP, Edo South), said the Senate deserves and demands an unreserved apology from Obasanjo for casting aspersions and denigrating their individual integrity.

“I believe former President Obasanjo has premised his denigrating comment on the on-going sordid accusations on 2016 budget between Hon Abdumumuni Jibrin, the erstwhile chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations and the leadership of the House of Representatives. What is going on in the media is indeed disgraceful if actually the mentioned House members did the padding of the 2016 budget,” he said.

On his part, Senator Emmanuel Bwacha, the Senate deputy minority leader, said the former president had no moral right to speak on corruption or condemn others for corruption.

Also speaking, Joan Onyemaechi Mrakpor, the member representing Aniocha/Oshimili federal constituency of Delta state, said if the lawmakers were rogues as Obasanjo claimed, they would have collected his gratifications and amended the constitution for his third term bid.

“They would have taken the benefit of what would have come to them for amending the constitution for our father to remain in office for 12 years,” she noted.

Reacting to Obasanjo’s comment, the chairman of the Senate Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions, Senator Samuel Anyanwu, said the way the former president was going about the whole thing was not good.

He described Obasanjo as elder statesman and a father and should act as such.

“With this position in the society, he should invite the leadership of the National Assembly, raise issues with them and advise where necessary. He should be able to manage the situation by advising both the Executive and the Legislature. He is a father to all, he should not blow up issues at the moment. We all need one another for the development and growth of this country,” Anyanwu explained.

On his part, Ehiozuwa J. Agbonayinma, the member representing Egor/Ikpoba federal constituency of Edo state, said calling members of the National Assembly thieves was Obasanjo’s personal opinion.

He said: “I will want him to face the real issue which is that under his watch, Chief Bola Ige and Chief Harry Marshal were killed.”

Agbonayinma asked the former president who allegedly parades himself as a saint to account for the $16 billion power project fund and numerous tax payers money that were allegedly wasted during his administration.

“It was under his watch that money meant for us to have constant power supply was wasted and Nigerians were shortchanged. Nigerians can attest those that are criminals, rogues and thieves and those that are not. “The former President had all the ample opportunity to make Nigeria among the leading nation but unfortunately he didn’t use the time that God has given to him to ask for forgiveness that during his time thousands of Nigerians were killed,” he added.

The House of Reps has been entangled in crisis over the alleged 2016 padded budget.

Following his removal as the chairman of the House of Reps Appropriation Committee last week, Adulmumin Jibrin, has been hurling accusations at the leadership of the House. He revealed how 10 standing committees secretly injected constituency projects worth N284 billion into the 2016 budget without the knowledge of the House.

He also claimed that the speaker, Yakubu Dogara; his deputy, Yusuff Lasun; the whip, Ado Doguwa and House minority leader, Leo Ogor, supervised the insertion of N40billion into the budget at a secret location.

Source edited from naij.com

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Lionel Messi Sentenced to 21 month in Jail For Tax Fraud

According to BBC, the football star and many times wold footballer of the year has been sentenced to 221 months jail term.

This might come as a shock to his many Spanish fans and fans all over the world but its been a long time coming.

Details as the story develops

Monday 4 July 2016

Explosions Rock The Holy City of Madinah In Saudi Arabia

Explosions have rocked the holy city of Jeddah. In the wake is suicide bombings the city have remained untouched and oblivious until now.

Three separate explosions by suspected suicide bombers have occurred in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia nearly hours into then end of the Ramadan fast.

Though the first blast which occurred at the US consulate was foiled security operatives

Hours later, Al-Arabiya a network news reported another suicide blast meters awayfrom a mosque in the city of Qatif, in the Kingdom’s Eastern Province.

Am sure you are shocked to,infcsan hardly believe it too.

To make matters worse another blast was reported withi minutes by the same Al Arabiya.

That a suicide bomber “blew himself up near a police post at the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah.” nowthats some thing you dontnhear every day.

With the stampede that happen in hajji of 2015 countries like Iran had said that citizens of their country would not participate in this years hajji because of Saudi Arabia's poor security measures.

One could only imagine the thoughts in their minds with this situation update!

Friday 24 June 2016

New Militant Group Threatens to Blow Third Mainland Bridge And More

Not to long ago the Niger Delta was terrorized by a militant grow know as the Niger Delta Avengers, who blew up oil pipelines and reduced Nigerias oil production to 65%.

But as the say nothing lasts for ever, the Niger Delta Avengers or NDA as they were known started cracking/splitting and eventually went underground to the governments relief.

However, a new militant group known as Asawana Deadly Force of Niger Delta (ADFND) has emerged, in South-South with some disturbing threats.

According to the new militant group, it will cripple the oil industry across the nine Niger Delta states unless the federal government grants them, “Niger Delta Republic in the next couple of days,” Vanguard reports.

The group in a statement by its leader, Commander Olomubini Kakarakokoro, a.k.a No Mercy, said: “Except our demand for Niger Delta Republic is granted, without further notice to the federal government, we shall proceed to bomb Bonga field flow station, Asaba- Onistha Bridge, Third Mainland Bridge and other major bridges in the Southtern part of the country, just for a start.

“The federal government should as a matter of urgency, withdraw all the military check points from the riverside areas of the Niger Delta, else we shall proceed to match against any baby military formation in the region without further notice.

“We are most dreaded, deadly and dangerous group in Niger Delta. Our team is comprised of specialists in different fields of war, and is poised to win the struggle for a Niger Delta state. Our struggle is not for monetary benefit or the so-called monthly N65,000 amnesty stipend. It is for the liberation and the development of the Niger Delta region.

“We therefore, warn every other group or persons as regards the fake dialogue process embarked upon by the federal government to know that they are not doing that for us. We are taking over from our brothers, the Niger Delta Avengers.

“As we speak all preparations and plans are on ground to strike and bring down the crude oil production to 0%, irrespective of the military presence in the region. The federal government will hear from us.”

Source Naija.com

Thursday 23 June 2016

Commonsense Abandons Common Sense Senator Ben Murry-Bruce

Ben Murray-Bruce lands in hot soup as he has his asset sealed by AMCON. If you remember the commonsense senator have been very outspoken againt the incubent government.

Kunle Adegoke, an attorney working with Muiz Banire (SAN), the debt recovery manager appointed by the Assets Management Corporation of Nigeria to help recover loans from the Silverbird Group, on Thursday lampooned Ben Murray-Bruce after the politician’s businesses failed to settle about N11 billion credit they obtained from Union Bank.

Silverbird Group’s outlets across the country were sealed on Thursday morning after AMCON secured a takeover authorisation from a Nigerian court.

Mr. Adegoke said the development had betrayed the tenets of “common sense”, a major rallying cry of Mr. Murray-Bruce in recent months, adding that the media mogul had been using his businesses to exploit unsuspecting Nigerians.

“And the Commonsense senator has persistently failed to pay the loans and yet has been pretending to be concerned with the welfare of Nigerians whom he has been skinning alive in order to remain relevant and live like a king.”

Mr. Murray-Bruce, who’s also a senator from Bayelsa State, has courted public attention lately with his distribution of video clips in which he could be seen proffering solutions to what he believed were the nation’s most critical challenges.

The populism messages, which he usually disseminates through his various media channels, have earned him both praises and derision from Nigerians home and away.


Sperm Leakage Makes It Hard For Women To Conceive Find Out How

Have you been dazed as to why you can not conceive? Well! You might just have been unintentionally compromising your chances of getting pregnant from day one. Here is why;

Abuja – Dr Adaora Ukoh, an Abuja-based Gynaecologist, said sperm leakage after sex could delay conception in women.

Ukoh said this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Thursday in Abuja.

She explained that sperm leakage was normal and expected if there was enough ejaculation.

According to her, though most of the sperm leaks out, there are still hundreds of sperm swimming around that can fertilize eggs in some women, depending on the condition of the uterus.

Ukoh, however, said that some factors such as oil-based lubricants could cause sperm to leak out of the vagina after intercourse and that could lead to delayed conception.

She identified hotness of the uterus; abortion; fibroid and gravity as causative factors of sperm leakage, thereby delaying conception.

She added that “if the potential of hydrogen (PH) level of the uterus is too acidic, the sperm will not be able to stay alive.

“The uterus must not be too acidic, neither should its alkalinity be too much; its balance must be maintained for sperm to stay alive.

“Besides, cleaning the vaginal canal of artificial lubricants is one of the key ways to reduce sperm leakage.”

She advised women to urinate shortly before sex, saying it helps to relax the nerves of the cervix, as well as reduce sperm leakages.

“Women should avoid positions that allow sperm to leak out while having sex; being on top is not advisable, especially if you want to conceive,’’ she advised.

Ukoh also counselled women seeking to conceive to place a pillow under their hips during intercourse in order to elevate the pelvis for easy passage of sperm.

   Edited from Vanguard

EFFC Spitting Fire As Air Vice Marshal Ojuawo Is Prosecuted In Regalia PHOTOS

Find below,  the picture of Air Vice Marshal Ojuawo, a serving officer of the Nigerian Airforce, who is being prosecuted by the EFCC at the FCT High Court,  Apo Abuja for fraud.

He came to court in his full Airforce regalia.  Indeed, with EFCC, nobody is above the law.

As the war on corruption goes on, it seems like there is no one above the law and indeed many bigwigs would drop

The Economic and Financial crimes commission has promised to serve details later.........

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Follow Jonathans Lead Nigerian Advices Aisha Buhari To Travel To USA

After seeing this right up by Afam B.C Nnaji, I must say I see some sense in it. I mean former President Jona was accused, He gallantly came to Nigeria to prove that he was innocent and wasn't on the run by visiting PMB himself.

So first lady, it as clearly up to you to walk the walk and not talk the talk am sure the presidential jets can fly you there.

Well, the best way to deal with false accusation of any kind is to just prove them wrong. Trading insults won’t work.

Take a cue from former President Goodluck Jonathan. News floated into Nigeria that the global statesman had run away to Ivory Coast on self exile to avoid being arrested by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission.

What did Dr. Jonathan do? He directly denied the allegation. Then, he came back home to Nigeria to prove that he wasn’t running from anything. He even went to Aso Rock and met with Aisha’s husband, President Muhammadu Buhari. Sources say that Buhari pleaded with Jonathan to help him resolve the renewed restiveness in the Niger Delta.

Guess what? The rumour died a natural death.

Today, Mrs. Aisha Buhari is being accused of being the same Aisha Buhari named in United States Government court documents as playing a role in passing around bribes to convicted and jailed former US lawmaker. And by virtue of the American law enforcement records, she is wanted in the United States, along with former Vice President Atiku Abubakar and others mentioned in the corruption scandal.

What does she need to do? Simple get on a plane and land in the United States, announce her arrival, fly around and move around freely. Given that her husband’s government is one of photography, take a lot of photos of herself at the White House and all over Washington DC meeting with women and leaders in the country.

Mrs. Buhari could also throw in a bomb and pay a courtesy visit to the headquarters of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, FBI, and lament how she was impersonated in the Halliburton scandal and urge them to put in more effort in catching the ‘fake Aisha Buhari’.

Finally, Aisha Buhari should get and an airplane and make a triumphant return. That way, she doesn’t need to get on Twitter and call anybody a mad dog… The rumour will die a natural death.

This is a simple problem and it has a simple solution. Insult-filled press releases won’t do. No matter how many insults Buhari’s media aides concoct and throw at Ekiti Governor Ayo Fayose, this problem won’t go away. Fayose didn’t start this. She was named way back in 2006 by the US’s Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Madam, please don’t complicate something so simple.

Good luck.

Afam B. C. Nnaji

Source: trentonline.com

Microsoft and Apple Introduce Implant To Checkmate Infidelity In Couples

Technology seems to be breaking new grounds not only in the hardwares, softwares and in the discovery of new planets and solar systems, but tech giants Microsoft and Apple has now moved into breaking ground in families amd preserving relationships.

Am sure this got your attention, thats right this is a serious bad news for men who cheat on their wifes and spouses.

Ladies time to get your groove on, you can now know when your husband is play away matches ( If you know what I mean).

Microsoft and Apple have joined forces to cut down on infidelity, save marriages and keep people in relationships accountable for their actions. Together, the technology giants have created a “genital implant” that will alert your cell phone if your partner goes astray. It is called Commit-Tech.

Commit-Tech is a tiny chip that will be implanted at the tip of the penis on the man and the vulva of the woman. These two microchips will be synced together with an app that is installed on your cell phone. If at any time, one of these chips is involved in any sexual activity without the other chip, it will alert the partners cell phone that the other has been cheating.

“It’s a brilliant idea and we think it’s about time couples became accountable for their actions,” said Stephen Triton, developer. “There is no way cheating mates can get away with infidelity anymore. If your partner is not willing to install this implant, you might want to think twice about their commitment to you.”

The chip will be sold by Microsoft and Apple in November and will be compatible across all devices.

Source: butthatsnoneofmybusiness. com

Former COAS Major-General Azubuike Ihejirika (rtd) Arrested By SSS

As the fight against corruption gains momentum and big wigs are either picked up and detained, a developing news has it that former chief of army staff has been arrested.

According to naija news, an online blogging platform,  The ex-army boss was reportedly picked up last night, June 21 at his residence in Maitama, Abuja.

It is believed that Mr Ihejerika was arrested in connection with Arms deal probe involving former national security adviser, Col. Sambo Dasuki.

Recall that an Australian Negotiator, Dr Stephen Davis insisted that former governor of Borno State, Modu Sheriff and former Chief of Army Staff, General Onyeabo Azubuike Ihejirika are Boko Haram sponsors.

But Ihejirika described the allegations against him as frivolous and unfounded. He said the allegation was meant to divert the attention of the country and its security agencies thereby causing division.

More as story develops

Credit naija.com

Friday 13 May 2016

One Chance President At It Again: Buhari Devalues Naira To Please IMF

After months of insisting that he had no plans to devalue the naira, President Muhammadu Buhari has caved to pressure to change course; SaharaReporters has learned from an exclusive briefing by a few top aides of the president.

A day after the Buhari administration increased the price of the pump price of fuel by 67%, from N86.5 to N145 a liter, our sources disclosed that Mr. Buhari has also agreed to demands by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that he significantly devalues the Nigerian currency. Our sources indicated that the naira would be pegged at N290 to one dollar. The current official rate is about N200 to a dollar.

Our sources said Mr. Buhari and his economic team took the decision to accept the IMF’s terms for funds that the Nigerian government wants to access to bridge a critical shortfall in revenue occasioned by a drastic decline in oil revenues. An administration insider told SaharaReporters that Nigeria could receive as much as $3 billion in credit facilities from the IMF.

“The truth is that Nigeria cannot operate without sourcing credit from the IMF,” said one of our sources, an economic adviser to Mr. Buhari, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “And the IMF was adamant that we must devalue before they can discuss extending credit to us,” he added.

Curiously, administration officials took the decision to devalue the naira without the input of the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Godwin Emefiele, another source revealed. An official of the CBN confirmed to Saharareporters that bank executives were kept in the dark about the discussions that led to the Buhari administration’s decision to devalue the naira. “Some of us here [the CBN] are not opposed to devaluation, given our country’s present circumstances,” the source said, adding that it was the CBN’s function to pilot Nigeria’s monetary policies.

One of our sources pointed to the fact that the naira has been weakened in the parallel market, where it now sells at N360 per dollar. “The government cannot continue to operate under the illusion that the naira is stronger than it is. The only problem is that we did not start early enough to admit to Nigerians how bad the financial outlook was,” the source added.

The Nigerian economy has been pummeled by falling oil earnings that have led to a near collapse of the economy. The IMF had long indicated its readiness to support Nigeria’s economy with credit liquidity but insisted on Nigeria devaluing its currency. President Buhari had insisted on numerous occasions, before and after his election, that he would never devalue the naira.

It is unclear how Mr. Buhari and members of his economic team plan to justify the about-turn on devaluation and other policy somersaults. After initially vowing to reduce the price of fuel, the government yesterday announced a significant hike in fuel price. The administration also set to announce a 10% increase in value-added tax (VAT), another indication that the Buhari government was embracing the kind of liberalization pushed by the IMF.

To compound dwindling oil prices, militants in the oil-rich Niger Delta region have crippled oil exports substantially after bombing oil pipelines and issuing threats to oil companies to leave the region.

Last week, several oil companies evacuated essential staff from the region’s offshore platform leading to a reduction in daily oil outputs from 2.2 million barrels a day to 1.3 million barrels a day.

Credit Sahara reporters

Thursday 12 May 2016

Niger Delta Avengers To Reavel Currency, Flag, Passport And Territory October 2016

In a press release issued by the Niger Delta Avengers, the new militant group stated that its goal is to establish an independent, sovereign Niger Delta State

Since the group’s inception in April, the Niger Delta Avengers have carried out acts of sabotage on the region’s oil blocs in an effort to cripple Nigeria’s economy. Attacks include the blowing up of a Chevron platform in Delta State and crude oil lines that feed oil to the Warri and Kaduna refineries.

In the press release signed by their spokesman, Mudoch Agbinibo, the group vowed to continue their attacks, but emphasized that they are only targeting oil blocs, not people.

"From the high command of the Niger Delta Avengers we congratulating all strike teams of the Avengers without taking any innocent life or that of the Nigeria military we were able to shut down 50% of crude production.

We have been seeing a lot on the media about us. Some are asking, “Who are you avenging?” some calling us empty heads, ex-agitators have been condemning us on daily basis. Our criticizer from other part of the country, we don’t have any thing to tell you because you clearly don’t know how life is in the region.

To our criticizers from the region we want you to know you are all cowards and afraid to stand for your people.

To ex-agitators of the likes of Tompolo, We know why you people are after us. Our agitation is more civilize than yours the Niger Delta Avengers is more concern with people of Niger Delta unlike you (ex-agitations) that were into kidnapping, killing of Nigeria soldiers, sea pirates, vessel and tanker hijacking. But we were able to carry out all our operations without killing a fly. We have sophisticated arms far better than what you use to have during your kidnapping days.

After the amnesty Programme you (ex-agitators) has been enjoying patronize from the government and royalty from multinational oil companies. While we (Avengers) have been strategizing on how the voice of the Niger Deltans can be heard. we are fighting a radical fight without taking any life.

Lets make it clear, to you our elder brothers (ex-agitators) that we are not begging you to join this agitation. We are young, educated, well travelled and most of us were educated in east Europe but don’t worry when we achieved our goal (sovereign state of Niger Delta) then you people will be proud of us. In as much as we respect you as our elder brothers (ex-agitators) please don’t dare to stand on our way because if you do we will crash you.

To the citizens of the Niger Delta who share same idea with us we thank you all. Just know that no amount of criticism within and outside the region can stop us.

For the record the Niger Delta Avengers is enjoying the blame game going around.

To the Nigeria military the Niger Delta avengers is among you. And we know all your plans so we will always ten steps ahead of you. In our meeting comprising all heads of the strike teams, which was held in Bayelsa. The Niger Delta Avengers high Command comes to the conclusion that, if the military harass or invade any community in the region then you (Nigeria military) will get a feel of the Avengers.

If you smart or intelligent enough you will look inward not outside. We know when you are vulnerable but not take our calmness for granted.

To our brothers from Easterner Nigeria, whom have been condemning and calling us names. The simple fact you are living comfortable doesn’t mean we like you.

The Commander of Strike team 9 of the Niger Delta Avengers is from Eastern Nigeria so no body should limit this struggle to the Ijaws of the Niger Delta only. The leader of the strike team 6 that blew up chevron valve platform is Itsekiri. The Commander of our elite team strike team one is from Akwa Ibom.

So if you are calling us empty heads just know you brothers are part of Niger Delta Avengers as well.  Avengers is different from former agitators who limited the struggle to just the Ijaws

To international Oil Companies, this is just the beginning and you have not seen anything yet. We will make you suffer as you have been made the people of Niger deltans suffered over the years from environmental degradation, and environment pollution.

To the President of Nigeria Buhari, we are sure you have not been to the creeks of the Niger delta before and 90% of your cabinets does not know how the region looks like. You think the Niger delta region is full of animals, who are going to frustrate your government. Your government that is not following rule of law, unlawful detention of innocent people just likes of Nnamdi Kanu. All he wanted was to let his people go. Nnamdi kanu didn’t carry any arm against this country but was incarcerated. We want you to know that’s no civilize President will behaves this way. If that is how you devised to run the country we will prefer you do that in the northern region.

When couples are tired of living together to make peace they go their separate ways. That is what Nnamdi kanu and the Niger deltans are asking.

You always say you fought for the unity of this country during the civil war. You haven’t been to the Niger delta, how can you know what the people are facing I believe your Vice will tell how the region is suffering and under developed when he visited the forcados terminal. That is if he ever looks out of his helicopter window.

1.     Apo Well was award to Sapetro Oil owned by Gen Theophilus Y Danjuma .Apo field is capable of producing 300,000 barrels per day and crude reserve of 500 million barrels.

2.     OML 110 Obe oil field own by Alhaji Mai Daribe, Cavendish Petroleum with an estimated 500 million barrel of crude oil that worth $50 billion dollars after tax.

3.     Akpo condensate field was awarded to Sapetro Oil owned by Gen Theophilus Y Danjuma. This field worth $100 billions of dollars.

4.     OML 112 and OML 117 were awarded to AMNI International Petroleum Development Company owned by Colonel Sanni Bello. Son inlaw to former Head of State. Gen Abdulsalami Abubakar. Its worth $150 Dollars after tax.

5.     OML 115 also known as Oldwok field and Ebok field was awarded to Alhaji Mohammed Indimi.  Inlaw to former Head of State Gen. Ibrahim Babangida the two fields worth $200 billion Dollars.

6.     OML 215 was awarded and operated by Nor East Petroleum Limited owned by one Alhali Saleh Mohammed Gambo. The field worth $100 billion Dollars after tax.

7.     OML 108 awarded to Express Petroleum Company owned by Alhaji Aminu Dantata. This field worth $128 billion Dollars.

8.     OML 113 was allocated to Yinka Folawiyo Petroleum Limited owned by Alhaji W. I. Folawiyo. Net worth is $150 billion Dollars.

9.     Prince Nasiru Ado Bayero cousin to the Emir of Kano, Lamido Sanisu, owns ASUOKPU/UMUTU marginal oil fields. It worth $110 billion Dollars.

10. Inter is owned by Atiku Abubakar, Yara dua and Ado Bayero has a substantial stakes in the oil and gas exploration in the Niger Delta of Nigeria.

11. AMNI International Petroleum Company owns OML 112 and OML 117. Former Minister of Petroleum and OPEC Chairman Rilwanu Lukman has major stakes in AMNI International Petroleum Company.

12. OML 67 is operated Afren Plc. Rilwanu lukman also has a major stakes and the field worth $180 billion Dollars.

13. OPL 245 is awarded to Malabu Oil and Gas owned by Dan Etete. Former President Obasanjo and former Vice President Atiku Abukbakar all has major shares. It worth $50 billion Dollars.

14. OPL 289 and OPL 233 was awarded to Cleanwater Consortium, the two fields worth $200 billion Dollars. Former Governor Peter Odili of River State, Obasanjo and Sultan of Sokoto has major Stakes.

15. OPL 288 was awarded to focus Energy Senator Andy Uba, Obasanjo, and Gen Theophilus Y Danjuma are the major stakeholders. The field worth $70 billion Dollars.

16. OPL 291 was awarded to Starcrest Energy Nigeria Limited owned by Emeka Offor. The field worth $100  billion Dollars.

17. Mike adenuga’s Conoil controls and operates Six (6) oil blocs and exports about 500,000 barrels of crude oil daily. These 6 oil bloc worth $500 billion Dollars.

From our analysis above, 90% oil blocs are allocated to individuals from northern Nigeria and some confused elements from the region are calling the Niger Delta Avengers names, some are calling us criminals. Our question to these groups of individuals calling us names are; where were you when all these atrocities were happening to the people of the Niger Delta? IT’S A PITY.

To owners and operators of these oil blocs in our region the Niger Delta Avengers is giving you two weeks ultimatum to shut down your operations and evacuates your staff. If at the end of the ultimatum and you still operating. We will blow up all the locations. It will be bloody. So just shut down your operations and leave.

There is rumor that oil has been discovered in the North East. How will you feel if this found oil is been managed by Niger Deltans. We are very sure the Niger deltans wont even have 2% oil bloc if oil is really found in the Northeast. If you didn’t shut down we will shut your stations permanently for you.

No agent or representative of the Avengers has called the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources and Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, Group Managing Director, Dr. Ibe Kachikwu to threat his life.

To all International Oil Companies, Indigenous Oil Companies and Contractors if anyone called saying there members of Avengers please not listen or take them serious because our ideology and belief is far from that.

Once again on behalf of all the commanders of the avengers strike teams we congratulate our loyal and gallant soldiers who put human life before their targets. On behalf of the Niger Delta people we said congratulation as we have cripple the Nigeria economy by 50% by the grace of God we will make it 100% if our demands are not met soon.

By October 2016 we will display our Currency, Flag, Passport, our ruling Council and our Territory to the world.

To the United Nations, we are not asking for much but to free the people of the Niger Delta from environmental pollution, slavery, and oppression.  We want a country that will turn the creeks of the Niger delta to a tourism heaven, a country that will achieve its full potentials, a country that will make health care system accessible by everyone. With Niger delta still under the country Nigeria we can’t make it possible. So we are calling on the Ban Ki-Moon Secretary General United Nations and all Heads of the government of the five Permanent Security Council members to come to the aid of Niger delta people. We are calling on world leaders to come to the Niger delta to see the atrocities committed by the Nigeria government.

Long Live the Niger delta Avengers.

Long Live the Niger Delta."

Col. Mudoch Agbinibo


Source Sahara repo

Femi Fani Kayode Is Now A Gonna Under EFCC Find Out Why (Photo)

With the change in government, we habe seen a trend in the fight against coruption, and it starts with getting invitated by the EFCC and the your never see the light of day as a free man.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, has obtained an order to detain a former Minister of Aviation, Femi Fani-Fani-Kayode.

Fani-Kayode, who was spokesman for the Goodluck Jonathan Campaign Organisation, was detained on Monday after he responded to an invitation from the EFCC over the receipt of public funds to the tune of N840 million out of the N4 billion campaign funds allegedly sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria.

With the remand order, the anti-graft agency is at liberty to keep the former minister beyond the time stipulated by law.

It would be recalled that it had been reported that the EFCC is insisting that Fani-Kayode must refund the money he got from the alleged N4 billion from a former Minister of Finace, Nenadi Usman.
Usman was the Director of Finance for the Jonathan/Sambo Campaign Organisation.

Governor Fayose Shreads President Buhari To Bits Over Fuel Hike

Roughly two days after the Federal Government of Nigeria hinted the masses that there was going to
be removal of feul Subsidy, majority of Nigerians woke up to a gloomy reality in which the price of fuel has been hiked to N145.

This news didnt go down well with the majority of the populace and it seems to have made the government  even more unpopular, than initially thought.

One of those to speak up fearlessly is the Governor of Ekiti, who is know of recent claims to be qualified for theoffice of the vice president come 2019.

Ekiti State Governor, Ayodele Fayose, has said that President Muhammadu Buhari and his All Progressives Congress (APC) were playing Nigerians Advanced Fee Fraud with the removal of fuel subsidy and increment of pump price from N86.50 to N145 per litre, describing the increment as wickedness taken too far.

“Was the federal government paying up to N58.50 as subsidy on one litre of petrol before now?” Mr. Fayose asked.

Governor Fayose, who reiterated his call on Nigerians, especially the labour movement to resist what he called “this wicked act of President Buhari and his party”, added that; “those who opposed removal of fuel subsidy in 2012 and funded the Occupy Nigeria protest must not be allowed to get away with this imposition of hardship on Nigerians now that they are in power”.

He said labour unions, civil society organisations and other well-meaning Nigerians should stand up and be counted at this crucial time in the life of the common people of Nigeria, adding that “there is no justification for the increment at this period when government is not paying salaries regularly, Nigerians are losing their jobs daily, prices of foodstuffs have gone over the roof and life has become so difficult for the common people.

To labour Nigerians with this increment is wickedness taken too far!” In a statement issued on Thursday by his Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka, Governor Fayose said; “In 2012 when the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) government of Dr Goodluck Jonathan removed fuel subsidy and increased petrol price to N141 per litre, crude oil was selling at $111 per barrel. How then can petrol price be increased to N145 per litre when crude oil is now selling at $40 per barrel?

“It is on record that on May 2 this year, the federal government, in the Petroleum Product Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA) Template released in Abuja, told Nigerians that it was subsidising petrol at N12.62 per litre.

“If as at May 2, petrol was being subsidised at N12.62 per litre, and now that the subsidy of N12.62 has been removed, what ought to have been added to the N86.50 pump price should be N12.62, which would have increased pump price to N99.12 per litre.

“Increasing petrol pump price by N58.50 when the federal government claimed it was subsidising the product at N12.62 per litre is clear political 419, which is aimed at further impoverishing Nigerians as the government will be making profit of N45.88 on each litre of petrol bought by Nigerians.

“How can any government with human feelings attempt to make profit of N45.88 per litre on Nigerians, who are no longer getting their salaries regularly? How can Buhari and his party impose another N45.88 per litre levy on Nigerians who are already facing severe hardship? This is wickedness!”

Speaking further, Governor Fayose said there was no justification for the removal of subsidy and increment of petrol pump price to N145 per litre now that crude oil price is $40 per barrel when the same product was increased to N141 per litre in 2012 when crude oil was $111 per barrel.

While describing President Buhari as a hypocrite, the governor said; “Nigerians should be reminded that the president once said that petrol subsidy never existed and that it was a fraud. How then can the same President Buhari tell us that he has removed the same subsidy he claimed never existed?

“The reality is that these people lied to Nigerians too much. They made promises they knew they won’t fulfil just to get to power. Now they are showing Nigerians their true colours. They are showing Nigerians that they have come to punish them with hardship.

“Buhari and his APC promised to reduce petrol pump price to from N87 to N45 per litre; petrol is now N145. They promised to create three million jobs per year; they have instead created millions of unemployment.

They said $1 will be equal to N1; $1 is now N320. They promised to create better live for Nigerians, they have instead created hardship by making

Edited from Premuim times

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Buhari To UK Prime Minster Keep Your Apology But Return Loots and Assets

It would be remembered that the Prime Minister of United Kingdom was caught on video lashing out at Nigeria and Afghanistan, describing them as"Fantastically corrupt"
When I first heard this, my first thought was is David Cameron himself have the morale right to be judgemental? Having been fingered in the Panama leaks as ejoying family fortunes gotten via I'll means But it seems the Nigerian president had a suprisingly intelligent response to David Cameron. President Muhammadu Buhari says he does not want an apology from UK Prime Minister David Cameron for describing Nigeria as a “fantastically corrupt” country.
Mr. Cameron was caught on camera describing Nigeria and Afghanistan as being amongst the most corrupt countries in the world. Mr. Cameron was speaking to the British Queen, Elizabeth II, ahead an anti-corruption summit taking place in London on Tuesday. The Nigerian presidency said in an earlier statement that it was “embarrassed” by the comments. Speaking at the venue of the conference, the BBC quoted Mr. Buhari as personally saying instead of an apology that he would want the repatriation of assets stashed in the UK by corrupt Nigerians. “No. I am not going to demand any apology from anybody. What I am demanding is the return of assets,” he said. The Nigerian president also said he had already “mentioned how Britain really led and how disgraceful one of the Nigerian executives was”. Referring to a former governor of oil rich Bayelsa state, late Diepreye Alamieyeseigha, who fled Britain in controversial circumstances after being arrested on corruption allegations, Mr. Bihari said Mr. Alamieyeseigha “had to dress like a woman to leave Britain and leave behind him his bank account and fixed assets, which Britain is prepared to hand over to us. This is what I am asking for”. “What would I do with an apology? I need something tangible,” he said.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Science Sets To Prove Life After Death Within Months

This reminds me of a movie I saw long long time ago called Flatline, were a group of student doctors sought to prove that life actually did exist beyond death.

The idea was simple; medically induce flat line ( stopping the heart)........

In recent years, the nascent field of resuscitation science has been taking a radically different approach to medicine, treating death as a process — a potentially reversible process — rather than an event.

According to a report in the U.K. publication The Telegraph, a groundbreaking new medical trial will put that theory to the test by attempting to regenerate the brains of dead people.

Awareness After Death? Study Hints It Exists

Frankenstein jokes aside, the trial appears to be a significant step forward for researchers in the field. According to the Telegraph report, the U.S. biotech company Bioquark has been granted permission to proceed with the project by recruiting 20 patients declared clinically dead from traumatic brain injury.

The trial will involve the use of multiple procedures and therapies in an effort to revive the brains of those being kept alive solely through life support. Stem cells will be injected directly into the brain, along with a combination of peptides. In addition, lasers and other nerve stimulation techniques will be applied to the brain stem.

The research team is hoping that the stem cells will initiate a kind of “rebooting” process in which brain cells can regenerate on their own. The process is similar to how certain kinds of reptiles and marine organisms can regenerate lost limbs.

Death Simulator Lets You Experience Cremation, Rebirth

The ReAnima Project — excellent name, that — has received approval from the National Institutes of Health in the United States and in India, according to The Telegraph report. The team plans to start recruiting patients immediately and will perform the initial “proof of concept” procedure in Uttarakhand, India.

Dr. Ira Pastor, the CEO of Bioquark, told the Telegraph that he hopes to be able to report results within the first two to three months:

“This represents the first trial of its kind and another step towards the eventual reversal of death in our lifetime.”

Edited from Discovery news

Syrian President Vows Not To Stop Until US Backed Militants Is Destroyed

Having defied super power with the unshaken support of Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, speaks tough again.

Stating that his country will accept nothing less than “final victory” over the foreign-backed militants and the terrorists in Syria.

It would be recalled that Syria has survived a 5 year war lead by United States backed militant against sovereignty of the country

In a telegram sent to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Assad said the Syrian army would not accept anything less than “attaining final victory” and “crushing the aggression” in its fight against militants in the city of Aleppo and elsewhere in the country.

Aleppo has been the scene of a “regime of calm” brokered by Russia and the United States since early on Thursday. It has been divided between government forces in the west and militants in the east since 2012, a year after the conflict broke out in Syria.

The 48-hour ceasefire took hold in the city on Thursday, with residents returning to the streets as fighting subsided.

The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a monitoring group, confirmed that there had been no bombings in the city, but said a civilian had died in a western district from shelling by militants minutes after the ceasefire took effect.

Earlier, in February, Damascus had agreed to a more general ceasefire with non-extremist militants. The February ceasefire had also been brokered by Russia and the United States.

In his telegram, Assad also thanked Putin for the Russian aerial campaign that has been going on in Syria since September 2015 upon Damascus’ request.

In another development on Thursday, twin bombings killed at least 10 civilians and wounded over 40 others in the eastern part of the Syrian Province of Homs.

Syrian state TV reported on Thursday that the bombings occurred in a square in Mukharram al-Fawqani in central Homs Province.

The developments come as the United Nations (UN) has been making efforts to hold peace talks between the warring sides in Syria.

Several rounds of such talks have been held. However, the latest round of the indirect negotiations, which began in Geneva on April 13, were brought to a halt after the main foreign-backed opposition group, known as the High Negotiations Committee (HNC), walked out of the discussions to protest what it called the Syrian government’s violation of the ceasefire.

Syria has been gripped by foreign-backed militancy since March 2011. The United Nations special envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura estimates that over 400,000 people have been killed in the conflict, which has also displaced over half of the Arab country's pre-war population of about 23 million.

In a separate development, the Turkish military fired artillery rounds into Syrian territory, killing four people said to be Daesh militants.

The Turkish artillery attack was purported to hit Syrian territory reportedly held by Daesh on Thursday, hours after rockets fired from the area into the Turkish border town of Kilis wounded three people.

Source Pres TV

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Governor Fayose Of Ekiti Vows To Crackdown On Fulani Herds Men

If you are one that belives enough is enough and its time to stand up to the Fulani heard men who have been destroying lives and properties with reckless abandon, then your opinion isn't far from that of Governor Ayodele Cayuse of Ekiti state.

 Fayose has said that people of his state are fully prepared to take vengeance on nomadic cattle Fulani herdsmen if they dare destroy farmers' crops any longer across the state. Fayose spoke today in Ibadan, Oyo State capital while fielding questions from journalists after delivering a lecture on the World Press Day at the state's Secretariat of Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ).

Meanwhile, the governor described President Muhammadu Buhari as his president, who he holds in high esteem, though emphasised that he (Buhari) is too old to tame the Fulani herdsmen, who are holding the entire country to ransom.

It would be remembered that the Fulani herds me have plagued the country with violence the latest being Benue, and Enugu state respectively.

No it to long the South East stressed the need too form addition security to augment what was ground. Rumour has it too that the infamous bakassi boys were regrouping and recruitment to counter and prevent such violent accounts from the Fulani heads mean that seem to have besiege Nigeria

Edited from Sahara reporters

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Ted Cruz Throws In The Towel Leaving Donald Trump As Sole Candidate

In what seemed an unbelievable move the Republican candidate Ted Cruz ended his presidential no mine campaign, this took Donald Trump off guard as he becomes the GOP's Presumptive nominee.

But as the saying goes there are no permanent enemies in politics, bit candidates seem to have sheathe the sword and have only good this about each other.

Gone were references to his famous “Lyin’ Ted” nickname and in its place were glowing words for the Texas senator.

“Ted Cruz, I don’t know if he likes me, but he is one hell of a competitor. He is one smart guy. He has got an amazing future,” Trump said, later adding that Cruz’s decision to drop out was a “brave” one because the Republicans “have to have unity.”
“I understand how Ted feels, and Heidi, and their whole beautiful family,” he continued.
Then, Trump, who now possesses 1,041 delegates, gave Republicans a glimpse into what his White House administration would look like.

Though he’s taken a tough stance on the border and international trade, Trump insisted that the U.S. is “gonna have unbelievably good relationships with other countries, but, likewise, they’re gonna have to treat us fair.”

“We’re gonna have great economic development and we’re not gonna let countries take that away from us,” he said, promising to bring employment to both the Hispanic and African-American communities.

In addition, Trump continued his promise to defeat the Islamic State, should he win the White House in November.

“We’re going to build up our military bigger, better, stronger than ever before,” he said. “[W]e cannot allow the Islamic State to continue.”

Concluding his remarks, Trump thanked Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus for the “amazing job” he has done leading the Republican Party.

“Our theme is very simple. It’s ‘Make America great again.’ … You will be so proud of this country very soon. Thank you very much,” Trump said as he turned to walk away from his podium.
As it stands, Trump has 1,047 delegates, followed by Cruz with 565 delegates and Ohio Gov. John Kasich with 153 delegates. Moving forward, Trump has a lot of work to do in order to truly unify the Republican Party before the GOP convention in July and, ultimately, the general election in November.

In order to secure the Republican nomination, a candidate must earn at least 1,237 delegates.

Edited from The Blaze

Thursday 21 April 2016

The Musician Prince Is Dead at 57 years in Minneapolis


The musician Prince has been found dead at the house he built.  The Prince as he was not was renowed for his talent and energy, being able to play almost every single instrument know.

A writer, singer, performer and songwriter has lost his life at the age of 57. His music "Purple rain and 1999" broke record and records.

His death has cause serious chatter on social media and responses from stars such as Samuel L Jackson.

As of writing this me the cause of good death is yet unknown, but report has it that there has been rumours about his I'll health (flu) and having to make emergency landing of his jet to be taking to the hospital.

There has been rumours earlier that someone has lost his life in the prince's house but. The princes publicist has confirmed that the prince is dead.

More update soon

Friday 19 February 2016

Nigerian Soildiers Refuse Posting to Borno

The news reaching me is that the Nigerian army is at it again, some troups of the 55 Battalion have refused posting to Borno because of salary owed.

One would have thought with the morale the new chief of Army Staff resumed office payment of salaries would have been a thing of the part.

There was palpable tension at the 55 Battalion Bonny Camp, Lagos on Thursday, February 18, 2016 after about 200 soldiers who were part of the 800 who had just returned from peace keeping operation in Darfur, Sudan began grumbling over the non-payment of their three months mission allowances after they were redeployed to the North East to join the war against Boko Haram.

According to Punch, the contingent of soldiers was led by Lt. Col. H. Dasuki, who unconfirmed sources said, is related to the embattled immediate former National Security Adviser, Col. Sambo Dasuki.

It was gathered that the soldiers are to leave Lagos for Maiduguri on Friday, February 19, 2015, although it was reported that the soldiers said they would not proceed to Maiduguri except their allowances for the Sudan operation were paid.

The issue was yet to be resolved as at the press time as the soldiers argued that they need their allowance so as to enable them to leave money behind for their families.

A military source said such posting without payment of allowances was not acceptable to the military high command as it was contrary to a directive from the Defence headquarters.

Also reacting to the protest the Public Relations Officer of the 81 Division, Lt. Col. Kingsley Samuel, denied any grumbling among the soldiers in Bonny Camp.

He said, “There is nothing like grumbling in that battalion. It is not true.”

The trentronline

Sunday 7 February 2016

Ekiti State Governor Fayose Slams Obasanjo Badly

Following rumours of deep-rooted rifts between them, Governor Ayodele Fayose has revealed that he holds no personal grudges against former president of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo.

The Ekiti state governor explained that whatsoever friction tends to exist, only stems from having different points of view on diverse issues.

Governor Fayose has asked Chief Olusegun Obasanjo to declare his assests.
According to Fayose, he only says things as he sees them and that sometimes may not go down well in certain quarters.

In enunciating further the alleged tussle between himself and OBJ, Fayose said he holds nothing against the former General over his reported role in his (Fayose’s) 2006 impeachment.

He said: “The military in Nigeria should subject themselves to democratic rules. When Obasanjo was there he was behaving the same way Buhari is behaving today. It was under Obasanjo that the EFCC would lock people up because the president has power to order arrest, because the president appoints the IGP, the DG of SSS and others. He has power of coercion. The fact remains that the constitution allows me the right even in the face of accusation to enjoy my liberty. Obasanjo is not a democrat. Today, former Governor (Bola) Tinubu of Lagos would recall what Obasanjo did. It doesn’t matter what our political alignments are today, history cannot be taken away. So my position has not changed and it will never change.”

According to Premium Times, Fayose further noted that: “When Obasanjo was there for eight years, Buhari didn’t go there? Everyday Obasanjo goes to kiss the ground in Aso Rock. Everyday Obasanjo has something to go and tell him there. There are some places elders would have a bit of shame.

“They would know that sometimes we should not go to this place. Even if you look at the pictures taken of his visit you see him bending down. When he was in government he was busy abusing this Buhari. Obasanjo was busy insulting Awolowo. One of the things Obasanjo wants to lay claim to in life is that he is the longest serving Nigerian president. When you add his military rule to his civilian regime, you understand.

“So, Obasanjo doesn’t like anybody to excel or exceed his record. That’s the truth. Obasanjo, who now seems to be the father of gangsterism or whatever he seems to be today, is the same man that we used to talk about every other day. Today he is there. The most painful aspect of it is for Obasanjo to be coming out and be claiming he is a very honest man. Where did he get the money that was given to the National Assembly that time? Where did he get the money? Each senator and member of the House of Representatives collected N50 million each. How about that $2billion Halliburton money? They jailed some people in America because of Halliburton. Obasanjo knows everything about Halliburton. Let us put Halliburton to trial and see what happens. That is why I told you that this fight must not be selective. If truly we want to fight corruption, let us fight corruption head on. And the fact remains that men will judge, God will judge again.”

While entertaining questions from newsmen, Fayose vehemently said that past presidents must be probed, demanding that Obasanjo must declare his assets from before he came in 1999 till his 2007 declaration.

He said: “Who is fooling who? Buhari now declared mud house and herds of cattle. When he is going now he will go and build one house in Daura with salary. That time the mud house will now become ancient mud houses. The cattle will now become limo Mercedes bullet proof. I beg my brother! Those people who are stealing cow, should stop fighting people stealing rats.”

In his interview, Fayose also revealed that making Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, the Peoples Democratic Party’s flag bearer in the 2016 general elections, was a terrible move by the the PDP.

He said it was a gross political miscalculation. According to him: “The fact is that my former president, I chose my word, my former president, Goodluck Jonathan, tried his best. But if I were him, I would not have contested at all, you understand. Because it is two ways: if he did not contest and the PDP lost out, he will still be an honourable man, and if he had given that opportunity to the north, those who defected from the PDP would not have defected. But that is story.

“Jonathan did his best and I will still continue to support him. You know I was not there when they took the decision about him becoming the flag-bearer, but it doesn’t matter. We can’t all put our mouth inside the soil. Somebody must remain with somebody. I will remain with Jonathan even if I am the only man standing. A man is not measured by the amount of food you have and the amount of properties you own. Sometimes sickness is good, it reshapes your life. Sometimes poverty is good, it helps your life. Sometimes failure makes you to reorder your life. It is not the end of your life.”

The Ekiti state governor, however, was optimistic that the PDP will get stronger, though the party is undergoing a deliberate effort to destabilize the opposition by the APC

While speaking on the challenges besetting Ekiti state, Fayose who said he had no interest in being the president of Nigeria, noted that his government will not cut down its workforce nor make any reduction in the payment of workers.

“I can’t cut anybody’s job.  Me, Ayo Fayose, I can’t sack any worker. Immediately they started the story of retrenchment, I told them count me out. You see, when you are owing me as a worker, it is different from taking my means of livelihood. When you are owing the worker at the bad times, he will have the hope that when money comes he would be paid. But if you had sacked him, you have killed him, you have taken away his life.

“I won’t cut anything. I will continue to dialogue with them. You see, you can’t make decisions for the people alone. This governance we are talking about, government is not the only factor. There are other variables. When things are not going the way you expect, you must engage the people,” Fayose noted.

Source naij.com

Saturday 6 February 2016

North Korea and South Korea fights Dirty

Propaganda wars has just taken a massive turn as North takes the battles into the streets of the South .

To highlight its contempt for the South, North Korea has started sending balloons over the border filled with cigarette butts, police told the New York Times.

The balloons were timed to detonate their payloads, but some failed to function and landed onto rooftops and cars in South Korean villages.

“We can confirm that they included cigarette butts,” Kim Hak-young, a chief police superintendent, told the newspaper on Thursday.

The balloons also carried thousands of messages that called South Korean leader Park Geun-hye a “filthy president”.

The two countries have been ramping up their propaganda war since Jan. 6, when North Korea conducted its fourth nuclear test.

The South has been blaring pop songs and criticism of Kim Jong Un over loudspeakers positioned near the border.

Source National

President Buhari Shifts Blame Game To Babangida, Says He is to Blame for Poor Performance of the Naira

Just when we thought we had heard it all from President Buhari who until now has blamed former President, Goodluck Jonathan for all the woes the country is passing through I.e Power outages, unemployment, corruption and so many others. There seems to be light at the edge of the tunnel for GEJ as PMB makes a dramatic turn around.

President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday revealed that the Structural Adjustment Programme, SAP, by onetime military President, Ibrahim Badamosi Babagida, IBB, killed the naira.

Speaking with the BBC, Buhari traced the origin of some of the problems facing the country’s currency to IBB’s regime.

IBB had in 1986 and 1988 instituted SAP which is said to have been responsible for the downward trend of the naira.

” I went through the devalue in 1984, its SAP that killed the naira,

“I have asked the Governor of Central Bank and others to sit and see if they can convince me to murder the naira,” Buhari said.

IBB had in 1986 and 1988 instituted SAP which is said to have been responsible for the downward trend of the naira.

SAP is a loan provided by the International Monetary Fund, IMF, and the World Bank to countries facing economic turmoil.

Edited from kelvin Djapkor blog

Friday 5 February 2016

Massive Earthquake Rips Taiwan Apart Leaving several Buildings Damaged and Lives Lost

The Taiwanese did not know what the were up against this faithful day as most people went about their normal routine, some needs still indoors relax I as the case was on saturdays.

However, around 3:00pm  ET the country was struck by a 6.4 magnitude earthquake which toppled a 17-story apartment building in southern Taiwan on Saturday, killing at least two people, including a 10-day-old girl, and triggering frantic efforts to rescue dozens of people feared trapped inside.

The baby and a 40-year-old man are the only confirmed deaths from the building, a complex of towers whose floors pancaked down onto to each other when the 6.4 magnitude tremor hit at around 4 a.m. (3.00 p.m. ET), at the start of a Lunar New Year holiday.

Rescuers mounted hydraulic ladders and a crane to scour the wreckage, plucking more than 120 survivors to safety, with dozens taken to hospital, a fire brigade official said.

Elsewhere in the city of 2 million people, several buildings tilted at alarming angles but a fire department official said rescue efforts were now focused entirely on the apartment block.

"I was watching TV and after a sudden burst of shaking, I heard a boom. I opened my metal door and saw the building opposite fall down," said a 71-year-old neighbor who gave his name as Chang.

A plumber, he said he fetched some tools and a ladder and prised some window bars open to rescue a woman crying for help.

"She asked me to go back and rescue her husband, child, but I was afraid of a gas explosion so I didn't go in. At the time there were more people calling for help, but my ladder wasn't long enough so there was no way to save them."

The quake was centered 27 miles (43 km) southeast of Tainan, at a depth of 23 km (14 miles), the U.S. Geological Survey said. Several aftershocks shook Tainan, Taiwan's Central Weather Bureau said.

One elderly woman, wrapped in blankets, was strapped to a board and slowly slid down a ramp to the ground as the cries of those still trapped rang out. Rescuers used dogs and acoustic equipment to pick up signs of life in the rubble.

"There are 60 households in that building," said Tainan fire department information officer Lee Po Min, estimating that there might be about 240 people living there.

One city hospital said 58 people had been brought in, most of them with light injuries. The fire department said a total of 115 people had been taken to hospital from around Tainan.

Sources huffpost

Man Receives Beating of His Life for Overtaking Vice Presidents Convoy Photos

Though we think we have itr hot here in Nigerian, it seems Uganda is far worse. The media isnt as anywhere near free as what is optainable in Nigeria plus if you cross the incumbent you might as well have written your own obituary.

And that's what happened to for overtaking the convoy of President Edward Ssekandi, who is both head of state and head of government. There is a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government.


Here is when he was surrounded

Now is brutally pulled out of his car

Can this happen in civilized countries

And now he is manhandled in an inhumane way

We keep praying that our politician would have common sense too keep doing the right thing as power doesn't last for ever.

Edited from mercy jatau's blog

Thursday 4 February 2016

International embarrasment President Buhari takes sit Meant for Niger Republic Instead of Nigeria

Well I must say am flabbergasted, I mean I was totally speechless. The first question that ran through my mind was, this couldn't be real I mean how on earth, it just couldn't be.

I mean how can the president of Nigerian, in an international setting mistake Niger Republic for Nigeria.

Well here it is

I know its kind of hard to believe, am finding it hard my self to digest, but this has spark heated comments on Facebook some of which might seem offence to readers

As we all wait for the much desired change to sweep across Nigeria let's keep praying relentlessly.

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Primate Elija Babatunde Ayodele Releases Prophecies for 2016

Primate Elijah Babatunde Ayodele is the founder and spiritual head of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church. In this interview with select jour...

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