Wednesday 27 January 2016

Russia To Bomb Saudi Arabia Back to Stone Age Backing Terrorists

It seems Russian has had enough of the KSA's interference and support for terrorists in the region especially their backing of ISIS.

Having stated that it is in the interest of all conflicting parties to come toi a round tabke and seek peaceful resolution on the 5 year old civil war rockin Syria.p

According to Russian daily Novaya Gazeta, Mr. Dmitry Peskov ,the press spokesman for the Russian President, lambasted the Saudi regime in his weekly press conference for sowing terrorism and backing al-Qaeda inspired guerrillas throughout the crisis-hit Syria.

“the Saudi leadership clings to power and hope they can possibly impede the inevitable collapse of their primitive, barbaric and inhumane political system by targeting the stability and welfare of other neighboring nations,” Pravda quoted the Russian official as saying on Monday.
Earlier, the Russian president emphasized that his country can’t remain at rest vis-à-vis the Saudi mischievous interference in Syria which blocked any Syrian-Syrian peaceful settlement.

” …Russia will defeat Saudis in Syria which became the epicenter of their [Saudis] malevolent plots. It is imperative for all Syrian parties that believe in a peaceful resolution for their country’s five-year civil war to sit down at the negotiation table and denounce the Saudi destructive role,” said President Putin, adding that Russia will bomb Saudi Arabia back to the Stone Age life when nomad Arabs were in the habit of living in tents unless the regime gives up assisting radical terrorists in the Middle-East.

The Russian President added that strong actions against Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) are justified and crucial due to the fact that Saudi-backed ISIS poses a major international security threat. At the same time, the international community should be under no illusion about the detrimental and suspicious U.S.-Saudi alliance.

This decision has cause a kind of upper roar on social media 

What do you think! Should Russia take military action against Saudi?

Friday 22 January 2016

Nigerian Customs Ex Boss Abdullahi Dikko Flees from Dubai

As soon as President Muhammadu Buhari sealed a deal with UAE to apprehend and repatriate any one who is wanted for corruption and using looted funds to live large in Dubai, gathered that some big men with questionable wealth have entered serious panic mood.

Ex-Customs Comptroller-General Dikko Escapes From Dubai
As at Thursday afternoon, credible sources have confirmed that the immediate past Comptroller-General of the Nigerian Customs, Abdullahi Dikko, linked with properties in Dubai, has fled.

As at the time of filling this report, security sources say he was heading for the United States of America while others say he will most likely hibernate in one of the big cities in Mexico.

The EFCC had raided one of his houses in the FCT some days back, based on credible intelligence and since then the man has not returned to his base in Abuja or any other part of Nigeria.
Ex-Customs Comptroller-General Dikko Escapes From Dubai
The money investigators are tracking with regards to missing funds in Customs runs into Billions.

Source Nigeriancamera

Cheif Olu Falae To Open Can of Warms Next week

Chairman of  Social Democratic Party, SDP, Chief Olu Falae, yesterday, said he has fixed next week to adequately address his alleged involvement in the ongoing arms deal scandal involving the former National Security Adviser, NSA, Col. Sambo Dasuki (retd).
Olu Falae
                                    Olu Falae
This came as he insisted that the alleged N100 million linking with with the former NSA was given him by former Chairman, Board of Trustees of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, saying he had never communicated with the former security chief since 1987,when he was Secretary to the Federal Government while the latter held sway as the Aide-de-Camp, ADC to then military president, General Ibrahim Babangida.

Former SGF shamefaced to be linked with scandal

He said he was ashamed to be linked with the scandal, adding that he had not involved himself in any shady deal in his life.
The former presidential candidate of defunct Alliance for Democracy, AD, said those seeking to blackmail him would permanently shut their mouths and have nothing any more to speak about the issue by the time he presents his side of the story next week.
Chief Falae, who addressed SDP faithful, after the party’s National Executive Council meeting, in Abuja, commended them for the maturity they handled the matter since it started.
He said the alliance he entered with the PDP was normal in a democracy, saying he did same for Buhari’s defunct All Nigerian Peoples Party, ANPP,  in 2007, when Buhari ran as its presidential candidate.
He said: “Some people are still writing spurious nonsense but I intend to address the press sometimes next week, probably in Lagos, to tell my story so everybody can hear and the blackmailers can shut up for ever.”
 ‘I didn’t collect one naira from Dasuki’
Also, he said: “I have said so several times and I will say so now as a believer in God, that I did not collect even one naira from Col. Dasuki. Not just that, that I have had absolutely no feelings whatsoever, with Col. Dasuki. I think the last time I saw Col. Dasuki must have been in 1987, when he was ADC to General Babangida and I was Secretary to the Federal Government. So we worked together, that was on 1987.That is 29 years ago. So, ladies and gentlemen, please, put your mind at rest. I have nothing to  do with Dasuki. I took no money from Dasuki.
“The N100 million they are talking about, it was the money sent by the PDP to our party, SDP, following our endorsement of their presidential candidate. After a hotly debate, we agreed to endorse their candidate and after the endorsement, they said ‘we know that your party hasn’t got money with which to campaign for our candidate. To enable you campaign effectively for him and your candidate, we want to send you some money and I said thank you.’

“And they sent this N100 million which I transferred to the account of your party. And which was used along other funds I raised for the party  to conduct the last election. Remember that I set up a committee here which set up the modalities for distributing the money to the various states, depending on the number of candidates, whether you have a governorship candidate, House of Representatives candidates and the rest,

‘Money was for SDP, not for Olu Falae’

“So, the money was not for Olu Falae, I did not take one naira out of it. And since this party started, with all humility, I have been the sole source of funding for this party. I have used my personal funds, apart from my friends who work in private sector, even in government, under confidentiality, they have contributed money through me to fund this party, because they believe in me and they believe in this party.
“And we did not just endorse Jonathan, because we were not happy about the way that government was running, we told them that if we are going to support your man, you must fulfill certain conditions and those conditions were presented. We told them why we were not happy with their performance. We said they must accept a policy of zero tolerance for corruption, they must create jobs for the unemployed, that they must not spend all their revenue, they must leave some surplus for capital development  and they must fight and destroy Boko Haram so that we can know peace in Nigeria  and that they must restructure Nigeria so that every part of Nigeria will be happy to be in Nigeria and nobody will want to leave Nigeria. And finally that if the win the election with our support, they should allow us to have reasonable participation in the government.

‘Conditions we gave Chief Anenih in Akure’

“These were the conditions that we gave them when Chief Tony Anenih visited me in Akure. They accepted all the six conditions but after he left me, the spirit of God told me to write to him and I wrote a letter containing those six conditions. And he wrote back few days later, accepting all the conditions, saying after consulting all the organs of the PDP including the president, they were happy to accept all those SDP ‘s conditions.
“After accenting those conditions, I came here and you all saw the conditions and you said I should support them.
“So, it was a very principled arrangement, transparent arrangement. You put the interest of Nigeria first.
‘PDP was very desperate’

“When Chief Anenih travelled by road, an 85-year-old man travelled by road from Abuja to Akure, on a very bad road, that told me that their party was very desperate. And so, when he said would you support my party and I gave him terms, many Nigerians would have said settle me, abi? They would have said give me dollars, give me this and that, I would have appointed ministers, appointed ambassadors but I did not ask for anything from him.
“All your conditions were those that can make Nigeria a better place. I think that is patriotism.
“I keep reminding people that I did not just drop from the sky yesterday, I have been a public officer all my life. I became a permanent secretary at 39 years, around that tender age, I ran for departments and ministries.  I did not take one naira from the place and I was a young man that needed money to do so many things in life  but I didn’t take one kobo.
“Thereafter, I became managing director of Nigeria Merchant Bank, your signature and money came out, I did not take one naira. And that was the fastest growing bank at that time and after that General Babangida invited me to be secretary to the Federal Government and I gave him conditions, that he should negotiate with my bank to release me on secondment to the government and that at all times, during my tenure, I would remain the MD of the bank.

‘As SGF for 5 years, I earn nothing!’
“So, for the five years that I was secretary to the government, I did not earn one naira from the Federal Government. So, this man has never been after money.
“I am sure they know that what I am saying is the truth, that there was no connection between this party or myself with Dasuki. We did not take any money from Dasuki. The money sent to us was by the PDP based on the exchange of letters between us, which establishes the contract.
“I want to say it here, that two parties coming together is normal in a democracy. In 1999, AD and APP came together came together with together to sponsor me like now to fund that campaign.’’
“In 2007, ANPP approached our party for cooperation, to support their candidate who was General Buhari. We agreed and we did just that. ANPP had no money to continue but outsiders and friends of General Buhari contributed money to carry out the campaign for him in the South West. It’s normal, it was normal and it is normal now.
“So, I think I have said enough, let you see clearly and to feel proud of your party and proud of your national leader.’’

‘SDP, only political party with an ideology’
“I said this because I can’t come here witwhout addressing this issue, so that you you know what you take home. We are very proud of the way we have handled this matter. Ours, in my humble opinion is the only political party with an ideology that binds us together. Others are what I call opportunistic hangup for power.
If you look at APC, the ruling party, it’s full of my friends, PDP is full of my friends but we know that those who are APC today were PDP yesterday and vice versa. So, the same group shuffle themselves around, “he said.

Source Vanguard

USA Brings New Visa Rule For would be visitor with links to the Mideast

The United States on Thursday began enforcing new visa rules on some travellers who have visited or who have dual nationality with states considered seedbeds of terrorism.

The Department of Homeland Security said would-be US visitors who have been to Iran, Iraq, Sudan or Syria since March 2011 will now always have to apply for a visa.

This will be the case even if the traveller is from a country in the US visa waiver program — the 40 nations seen as friends of America whose citizens can visit freely.

In addition, citizens of visa waiver countries who hold dual Iranian, Iraqi, Sudanese or Syrian nationality will have to apply for a full visa before travelling to America.

The department said it had started to implement the new rules on Thursday, but there had already been reports of travellers falling afoul of the controversial regulations.

On Wednesday, the BBC reported that its journalist Rana Rahimpour, who has joint British and Iranian nationality, had been kept from boarding a US-bound flight.

The State Department refused to comment on specific cases.

“We will carry out the law that Congress passed and the president signed,” a senior administration official told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“The Department of Homeland Security… is working closely with the Department of State and other partners to ensure that the new amendments… are appropriately implemented.”
Homeland Security said dual nationals and travellers who had visited the four targeted countries would still be eligible for visas if they apply for them properly.

But they will no longer be able to skip the visa process by registering with the Electronic System for Travel Authorizations (ESTA) like fellow waiver country citizens.

Members of allied forces who fought alongside US troops in Iraq will be exempted from the new rules, and aid workers and journalists may be exempted on a “case-by-case” basis.

Source Vanguard

Buhari Takes On Donald Trump says Americans To be Deported and safety not Guaranteed

President Muhammadu Buhari has finally given in to pressure from different quarters by replying the statements made recently by American Presidential Hopeful, Donald Trump concerning Nigerians.

 Speaking to journalists in the United Arab Emirates, President Buhari had a simple reply to Donald Trump.

 “He says he will pursue all my people out of America. No problem. I wish him well at the forthcoming elections. But if he thinks he can threaten my people, then I don’t think he understands who I am and what I am capable of”. President Buhari told newsmen.

“He should go and ask the family of Umaru Dikko. he should ask the Mossad about me. If he threatens my people, how does he think the Americans in Nigeria will be safe?”
The President went on to issue a warning to all Americans resident in Nigeria, both on temporary and permanent basis.

“I hope all of you are praying this man loses. because if he wins, all of you, from embassy to the streets, will be sent home. And don’t discount the probability that your plane might not land exactly in America. That is all I can say for now”.

Donald Trump could not be reached for comments as at press time. However, Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, both Democratic Hopefuls, and Dr. Ben Carson and Ted Cruz of the GOP, have reached out to President Buhari, reassuring him that if they win, none of Mr. Trump’s threats will come to fruition.

Source nigeriacamera

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Nigerian Faces Major Ecoinomic Challenge as Oil sells $28 a barrel

As the price of oil slips to an all time low "Below $28 a barrel" how would this affect Nigeria, which is among the largest oil producing states in Africa

On Saturday, Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif told Iranians enthusiastically that international sanctions against the Islamic republic was to be removed. “Today is a good day for the Iranian people as sanctions will be lifted today,” Zarif was quoted by Iran’s ISNA agency to have said. But while Iranians rejoice at the lifting of sanctions, Africa’s top oil producers will struggle under the effect more oil from Iran could have on the already low prices.

Sanctions over its nuclear programme have cost Iran more than more than $160 billion in oil revenue since 2012 alone. But with the global nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), certifying that the country has fulfilled its commitments under the nuclear deal, Iran can resume selling its oil on international markets and can now use the global financial system for trade. Iran has the fourth largest oil reserves in the world and output could grow to 5.4 million barrels per day by 2040. The lifting of the sanctions have added up to 1 million barrels a day of new oil exports to the market.

Although low prices may discourage investments in the short-term, there is no doubt the addition of Iran’s oil to the already flooded global market will discourage price recovery. With the recent happenings in the global oil market, $20 oil seems very likely. Oil prices have dropped below $28 per barrel for the first time since 2003.

Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy depends on oil to fund its 2016 budget which the parliament is expected to debate this week. The commodity accounts for over 80 percent of government revenue and 95 percent of foreign exchange earnings.

The current prices may be the reason for a reported request for the withdrawal of the budget from the parliament by Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari, especially with the budget predicated on $38 per barrel oil.

“The Senate received the letter on Saturday but it does not specify what is to be corrected,” Reuters quoted a source at the upper house of parliament to have said.

The president’s senior special assistant on National Assembly matters, on Sunday also issued a statement confirming that a message had been sent. “Mr President has sent a communication to the National Assembly on the 2016 Budget. The content is as will be read on the floor in plenary.” The parliament seats on Tuesday.

Apart from depreciating revenues, foreign exchange reserves are dwindling with several small businesses in the country already affected by restrictions aimed at holding the naira’s value. The naira fell to 305 to a dollar last week while the central bank maintained the official exchange rate at N198 per dollar. Shares also recorded their biggest fall in almost a decade.

According to the 2015 World Energy Outlook, the prospect of oil prices remaining low for an extended period cannot be ruled out.

“In the Low Oil Price Scenario, a new oil market equilibrium emerges at prices in a $50-60/bbl range that last until well into the 2020s before edging higher to $85/bbl in 2040. Key assumptions to bring this scenario about are: sluggish near-term economic growth; a stable Middle East in which key producers look to increase their share of the market; and resilient performance from key non-OPEC producers, particularly US tight oil.”

The Nigerian government has shown its commitment to plugging loopholes and fighting corruption but what many observers will be looking to see is how the country manages an extended period of low oil prices and diversify its economy to ensure a healthy future even without oil receipts.

Source The Nerve

Drinking Rice Water Is Super Healthy for You here is Why!

I've grown up knowing rice water is meant to be thrown away atleast twice while cooking it and the same has been in practice by almost every one especially Nigeria' as it is believed to contain exess starch.

But guess what rice water is actually a super drink you shouldn't mess with it. Here is how to prepare rice water:

It is easy to be done and all you need is rice, fresh clean water and a pot. Boil the rice, and after it is cooked well, drain the water in a separate bowl and be careful not to leave any rice in the water. And finally your rice water is ready for consumption.

You need to know what only a glass of rice water does for you:

    It is a good source of energy:

It is rich with carbohydrates and this means lot of energy. The human body needs carbohydrates for energy, hence a glass of rice water in the morning is best to start a day. Also you can drink it when you feel tiredness or lack of energy.

    Prevents constipation:

Rice water is rich in fiber and smooth the progress bowel movements. Moreover, the starch motivates the development of useful bacteria in the stomach.

    Prevents dehydration:

During summer days we lose a lot of water through sweating and rice water is perfect to prevent dehydration and loss of nutrients.
 The best home remedy for viral infections:

    Rice water is utilized often as a solution for fever as it averts water loss. It recharges the lost supplements and speeds the recuperation process.

        Can treat diarrhea:

    Rice water turns out to be an amazing home solution for treat diarrhea both for adults and children. Newborns are more inclined to infections and diseases such as diarrhea and must be treated on time because if not it can lead to harsh dehydration. A study found that rice water was more reducing so as to compel in controlling the runs and recurrence of the stool in infants.

        Prevents Cancer

    Drinking cooked rice water frequently might likewise keep certain sorts of cancer away. This is one of the great advantages of drinking cooked rice water.

        Prevents Alzheimer

    Not yet confirmed but there are few sources that say that cooked rice water can keep the occurrence of Alzheimer’s sickness off. This is also one of the other great advantages of drinking cooked rice water.

        Protection From Sun

    Rice water contains a substance called oryzanol. It withstands the UV beams from the sun. Use rice water to offer your skin some assistance with taking the sun’s heat.

    I trust this article is extremely helpful for you, so share to your companions, drink rice water and appreciate every one of its advantages.

Source nigeriacamera

Saturday 16 January 2016

Rev Father Ejike Mbaka Transfered Out of His Parish Left with A Parish


Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka has been transfered from his Parish "Christ The King Parish GRA Enugu" and left without a Parish. Eastern Radio gathered that the controversial Priest was given residence at Our Lady Of The Rosary Parish Emene Enugu, 2km away from his Adoration Ministry but not as a Parish Priest.

According to reliable sources, the decision to remove Mbaka is aimed at checkmating his activities which is generating unpleasant wave within the body of Christ and the nation at large. The church decision to transfer all the priests in Enugu Diocese was to dilute any suspicion that such move was aimed at checkmating Fr. Mbaka

Speaking with Eastern Radio, another source revealed that the church was afraid of the possible reaction of his followers, who make up more than 80% of the population of Enugu Catholic Diocese.

Commenting on the issue, Rev. Fr. Joseph Offor, the director of social communications of the Diocese, said that there would be general posting and re-posting of priests this year. He added that the Diocese embarks on postings of priests every six years.

The bishop decides who should be posted where; it has nothing to do with a particular individual. It is a routine practice which is done every six years,” he said.

What this means is that Fr. Mbaka has no Parish again and his weekly Wednesday program "Inodey Again" will not be conducted at Christ The King Parish but probably at Adoration Ministry, Umuchigbo Nike Enugu.

Source Eastern Radio

Friday 15 January 2016

Breaking News Michael Jackson Faked own Death

We all remember, Tupac's death how there was a conspiracy theory that he faked his own death only to return using a different name or so the say. Well the Legendary Michael Jackson seem to faked his own too according to News 5.

Michael Jackson Faked His Death, Still Alive on private island- Deaths are either real or fake. With fake ones there is always a pattern of fraud and deception. Nothing could be more evident of this than the various interviews given by Katherine Jackson, mother of Michael Jackson. interview is highly revealing.

It does not give evidence of a distraught, grieving mother. Even so, the reactions of the various members of the Jackson family regarding such a sudden, unexpected fatality make no sense. The source for many of the photos and interviews adds to the suspicion of the hoax. It’s Zionist-controlled FolksTV, the same source for the Paul Walker death hoax, which is the facilitator of many of the images regarding this fabrication.

 There is no evidence of any distress, shock, or grief in any respect regarding these individuals. They look no more distressed than the relatives of Paul Walker. At least they are not smiling and smirking.

The tabloid-like DailyMail was yet another source of the death scam information, both at the time and also in the months afterwards: Is this an ill-fated attempt to spread propaganda about the hoax, since virtually all other frauds and hoaxes are being revealed? Why produce such an article at that time? It is beyond mere sensationalism and, rather, reeks of a cover-up. She “struggled to come to terms” to her son’s death.

It is highly suspect to portray this. Who wouldn’t exhibit such emotions, that is what makes this so unusual? According to Emotional: Katherine Jackson said Paris was particular traumatized by her son’s death in 2009 Michael Jackson’s three children went to visit their father’s body ten times in the morgue following his death, the singer’s mother revealed in her first TV interview yesterday.

The star’s daughter, Paris – who tried to commit suicide earlier this year – was particularly traumatised by the tragedy. ‘She was screaming and crying when Michael died saying ‘I want to go with you daddy, I don’t want to live without you,’ said Katherine Jackson.

Speaking days after what would have been the King of Pop’s 55th birthday on August 29, the 83-year-old Jackson family matriarch added: ‘I was feeling so bad for her. ‘Paris suffered a lot after his death. She had to have pictures of Michael all over her room. Every picture that was hanging on the wall had to be of Michael.’ Mrs Jackson, who has 26 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren, said all three children struggled to come to terms with their father’s sudden death in June 2009. ‘Michael’s kids went back to the morgue where Michael was about ten times.

When I was in the room, I couldn’t go there,’ she said, adding that she asked her daughter LaToya what the children were doing at the funeral home. ‘She said the children are all kissing and hugging Michael. Even though he is dead they are still doing that,’ she explained.

Source naijareazone

Senate President Bukola Saraki Accuses Senator of Budget Theft

After the brouhaha that ensued when the 2016 sixteen budget submitted to the National Assembly went missing, prompting mixed feeling from the general public and confusion between presidency and the National Assembly.

The Senate finally admitted on Thursday that it was not in possession of the 2016 budget presented to it by President Muhammadu Buhari last December. Even a panel of inquiry set up to ascertain the true position and whereabouts of the budget is confused.

Senate President Bukola Saraki gave the hint, following a point of order by Senator Eyinnaya Abaribe that the Senate must make clarification on the status of the 2016 budget.

Saraki was said to have openly accused Ita Enang of “taking” the original budget.

Cutting short Saraki half way, while he was speaking, Abaribe who maintained that the Senate leadership must tell Nigerians the true position of the budget, said he had been inundated with series of calls from people in his constituency seeking to know what happened to the 2016 budget.

He went on to confirm that issues discussed during the executive session of the senate on Tuesday bordered mainly on the missing budget, even as he warned that it was no longer permissible to keep silent on the whereabouts of the budget, a situation, he said, has kept Nigerians in suspense.

Responding, Saraki claimed that the issue was not ripe for deliberation because the panel set up to probe into the the alleged missing 2016 budget was yet to submit its finding to the Senate.

Saraki said, “Because of the importance of this, I will make an exception. You know we are all part of the decision at the close session yesterday and part of that decision we are still waiting for those we have referred to carry out the assignment to come back to us.

“I think they will come back to us by tomorrow. I think they will come back to us by tomorrow and we will go into a closed session and finish up the report and we will be able to debate it properly”.

This remark by the senate president attracted mumbling from some PDP senators who felt it contradicted his earlier position that the panel was yet to submit its report.

Meanwhile President Buhari’s legislative aide, Senator Ita Enang, has said Saraki doesn’t know what he was saying if he thinks that he would come from the Presidency to “take” a budge inside the Senate.

Source edited from nigeriacamera

Saudi King To give Throne to Son After What many believe Devine Punishment from God

The king who made name for himself by beheading as much people as ISIS, launching a campign against Yamen that lead to the death of hundreds and the flogging of civilians, is set to renounce his throne because of his deteriorating health.

King Salem bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, have off late being blacking out and not knowing where he was even during his meeting with President of the United State, Barack Obama. There are rumours that God is punishing him for his Crimea against humanity.

A report says Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud plans to renounce power in favor of his son, who is currently the second in line to the throne but is widely believed to be the real ruler.

The report by the Institute for [Persian] Gulf Affairs quoted multiple highly-placed sources as saying that the ailing 80-year-old ruler has been seeking to transfer power to his son Mohammed, the deputy crown prince and defense minister.

The sources did not give a specific date for the abdication but said the issue will be concluded within a matter of weeks.

According to sources familiar with the matter, the current crown prince Mohammad bin Nayef will also be removed from his positions as the crown prince and the minister of interior.

This as the order of succession in Saudi Arabia stipulates that the throne go to bin Nayef, an American favorite, who has been gradually marginalized by his younger cousin and the king’s son, Mohammed.

It comes amid reports of a fierce battle going on for power in the kingdom. King Salman named Mohammad as defense minister shortly after ascending to the throne.

The current Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi, a technocrat and not a royal by blood, is also said to be replaced by Abdulaziz bin Salman, another son of the king.

The sources also pointed out that King Salman has been visiting his brothers to seek their support for a change in succession order.

The king is attempting to convince his brothers that the stability of the Saudi monarchy needs a change of the succession from lateral lines to a vertical order under which the king hands power to his most eligible son.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Nayef (L) and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman
In October last year, The Times Daily quoted a dissident prince as saying that 80 percent of the royal family support his call for a palace coup d'état against Salman along with his two anointed successors.

The prince, whose name was not revealed for security reasons, had earlier written two letters calling for a revolt within the royal ranks.

The letter also called on the 13 surviving sons of Ibn Saud to instigate a coup.

“They have to isolate the powerless King Salman, the excessively arrogant, reckless Crown Prince Mohammad bin Nayef [and] the one who devastates the homeland, Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman,” it said.

Since the establishment of Saudi Arabia as an absolute monarchy in 1932, the system has been effectively known as a hereditary dictatorship and monarchy.

The kingdom is struggling with plummeting oil prices. The Al Saud regime also faces criticism over its deadly military campaign against neighboring Yemen, which it launched on March 26.

Edited from presstv

Thursday 14 January 2016

NATIONAL TASK FORCE (NATFORCE) says More Influencial Personalities to Be Persecuted

National Task Force (NATFORCE) has raised alarm over increasing proliferation of small arms in the country, saying some of small arms were smuggled into the country, thereby frustrating Federal Government effort to address insurgency that has plagued the country thus far.

The Director General of NATFORCE), Chief Emmanuel Okereke said Wednesday in Abuja during National Executive Council meeting of the organisation that, "NATFORCE in league with other government agencies to stem the tide of illegal importation of goods, small and light weapons including ammunition into the country to the corporate existence of Nigeria, is more than ever determined to checkmate unscrupulous individuals, who exploit the system and large-stretch the border to bring in hundreds of small arms and ammunition."

Speaking on the Dasuki arms scandal, he added that Nigerians should expect persecution of more influential personalities.

He said determination of the President, Muhammadu Buhari to truly reposition the country should be widely supported.

He stated that Buhari was not fighting selective anti-Corruption war as believed in some quarters.

Okereke further established link between small arms, illegal importation of goods and corruption, saying, "I can tell you trillions of money have been returned, and that is because of this anti-corruption campaign.

I believe in plea bargain but whoever is found guilty of these corruption scandal should be duly prosecuted."

It would be remember that the activities NATFORCE has be slowed down by various organizations such as Customs service, Police and the DSS despite the court ruling that NATFORCE be allowed to carry out its madate unmolested.

When pray the Buhari led APC government recognizes the efforts of NATFORCE in ensuring small arms are mopped up and checkmated.

Edited from world stage news

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Breaking: Saudi King Suffering Divine Punishment for His Sins and Beheadings

Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is suffering from periodic blackouts and inability to speak, a new report says.

The health of the 80-year-old monarch is increasingly deteriorating and he is under regular medical care, the Palestinian Manar online newspaper cited an Arab official as saying on Wednesday.

The unnamed source further said that King Salman has lost awareness of his surroundings, prompting physicians to advise his sons to restrict their father’s public appearances in a bid not to disclose the worsening conditions. The king is said to have been confined in one of the rooms of his palace.

A separate report in early October also said that the king was thought to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, and the royal government was practically administered by his Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef.

The failing health of the Saudi monarch has also led to an intense game of throne among the royal family.

On October 23, an unnamed Saudi prince told The Independent that eight of the 12 surviving sons of the founder of Saudi Arabia, Abdulaziz Ibn Saud, support the measure to remove King Salman and replace him with his 73-year-old brother, Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz.

The prince also said that a majority of the country’s powerful clerics, known as the Ulama, would support a coup to oust the current ruler and install Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, a former interior minister, in his place.

There has been mounting discontent at the Saudi king's decisions, including his controversial appointments, the brutal and costly war against impoverished Yemen, and the execution of prominent Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr.

Salman was crowned as the king of Saudi Arabia on January 23, 2015, following the death of his half brother, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, at the age of 90.

Source presstv

Vladimir Putin Says Russia Now Has Ebola Vaccine Better than Any Other

Russian iron man, Putin, did not give any name for the vaccine, nor did he say how it worked, who was developing it or give details of any trials.

“We have good news,” Putin was quoted as saying by RIA Novosti news agency.
“We have registered a drug against Ebola, which after the corresponding tests has been shown to be highly effective, more effective than the drugs used worldwide up to now.”
To date no approved vaccine or treatment for Ebola exists and the UN’s World Health Organization has authorised the fast-track development of drugs.

The pharmaceutical scramble sparked by the two-year Ebola crisis  — which killed more than 11,000 people in west Africa — has yielded several promising vaccine candidates but none has yet been tested in general, non-infected populations — the gold standard for proving efficacy.

Similarly, none of the many potential treatments under investigation has been shown to work.

Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova said at a government meeting with Putin that Russia has developed a vaccine that was “unique and has no equivalents in the world”.

In October 2014, Skvortsova said Russia expected to produce three Ebola vaccines within the following six months, and that one was ready for a clinical trial.

The Ebola epidemic is due to be declared over on Thursday with Liberia expecting the all-clear.

Source Vanguard

Iran frees United State Saliors

The Iran Revolutionary guards have released the captured sailors from the US Navy (Still developing).

If you remember,  not long after obama's final union adress, the Pentagon says two of the United States Navy boats are in Iran’s custody after entering the country’s waters and the crews will be returned "promptly."


The Associated Press quoted Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook (pictured below) as making the announcement on Tuesday.


Cook has also claimed that he has been in contact with Iran and rested assured that they will be returned.

"We have been in contact with Iran and have received assurances that the crew and the vessels will be returned promptly," said the spokesman.

The boats were said to have been moving between Kuwait and Bahrain for a training mission and were captured near Farsi Island.

US Secretary of State John Kerry also contacted Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif upon learning the matter.

Kerry "personally engaged with Zarif on this issue to try to get to this outcome," an official said.

He later told CNN that he expected the sailors to be released "very soon."

Ten US Navy sailors manning the crafts were said to be in Iran’s custody.

“Some type of mechanical trouble with one of the boats” was mentioned in the AP report as the reason for drifting into the Iranian waters; therefore, the troops were “picked up” by Iranian forces, who transferred them to the nearby island, where they remained at least for some time.

According to official Sepah News, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy forces seized the boats.

The website added that the American troops, who possessed heavy weapons, are “in full health.”

The White House also said it was aware of the matter with deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes saying that the administration was working to resolve the situation.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest appeared on CNN, where he echoed Cook’s comments.

"We have received assurances from the Iranians that our sailors are safe and that they will be allowed to continue their journey promptly," Earnest said. “And we have also more importantly received assurances that they will be allowed to continue their journey promptly. So you know, the substance of the communications we have received with the Iranians so far today and it is a situation that we are going to continue to watch closely.”

The US Department of Defense released a video showing the type of crafts, Navy Riverine Command Boats, seized in Iran.

Senator Barbara Boxer, (D-Calif.) told  on MSNBC that she was hopeful about the release of the troops.

"Hopefully this will be resolved, and it won't be an issue that we're talking about in a couple of hours," she said. And true to her words the sailors have been released, but word is yet to come over the vessels still being held by the revolutionary guards.

Source edited from presstv

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Biafran Passport Respected More than Nigerian Passports Worldwide

As the Biafran agitation grows stronger, so does their ambition to become a full fledge state on its one.

One of such ambition is its Passport. The Movement for the Actualization of Sovereign States of Biafra, MASSOB, has said that Biafran passports being issued to its citizens are valid and accepted in various countries across the globe.

It insisted that many citizens of Biafra had used the passport issued by the Biafran Directorate of Passport, and travelled overseas without hitches.
In an interview with Vanguard, MASSOB’s National Director of Information, Sunny Okereafor, warned the federal government to stop seizing Biafra passport or threatening its holders.

According to him, “I assure you the Biafran passport is valid. Except Nigeria, other countries of the world accept Biafran passport and allow our citizens to travel with it. In Europe, North and South America, Biafra passport is accepted. Nigeria is the only country that seizes Biafran passport. Go to neighbouring Ghana here, they will stamp the passport for you. Don’t be confused by the propaganda of the Nigerian government that there is nothing like Biafra passport.

“MASSOB appeals to Biafra citizens to procure their passport and use it to travel. If you doubt me, get a Nigerian passport while I have my Biafran passport; when we get to Europe, you will see who they will welcome than the other.

“Many people with Nigerian passport have been repatriated, but have you heard of anybody with Biafran passport receiving such ill-treatment?”

He disclosed that the Biafran passport cost N5, 000 and could be renewed with N2, 000 and denied reports that people who bought the passport are being turned back at various airports.

Source the referendum-Biafra

Salt Doeant Prevent Pregnancy Learn the Right thing to Do Now

First of all, ive learnt the hard way that when a  lady takes salt dissolved in water after unprotected sex far from prevents pregnancy, that was when my girl friend in 1990 told me she was pregnant, despite taking two glasses of salt solution. But that's another story.

So now the question is,  Are there sure methods of preventing an unwanted pregnancy? Find out now and pick the ones that work the best for you.

Many girls get horrified by the thought of having an unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sex. There is the common idea that drinking a glass of salty water afterwards can prevent pregnancy. Let us see if there is any truth in it.

Does salt water prevent pregnancy?

The truth is that no drinking of salty water, neither douching with it can help you to avoid getting pregnant. Still douching may have some positive effects, as it mechanically washes out the sperm. However, it should be done during the first few minutes after sex, while sperm stays thick for few moments. Once it gets thin, it starts heading for the goal with a high speed. Female hormones in your own body activate the sperm cells and make them move faster. Actually it develops the speed of 45 kilometers per hour. So, yes, it is fast and if you wish to use douching, use it right after the sex.

Now, why there are no positive effects of salt and water after sex? Well, just because our body cells have special prevention strategy for coping with too much salt. They simply do not let it into the cells for a while and fight it. So, drinking few glasses of salty water would not do the trick of preventing the unwanted pregnancy.

Instead it can evoke certain health problems. If you overdo with the salt in water, you risk getting dehydration. Your body needs more water to get rid of the consumed salt than what you drink with it. In the hot climate like Nigeria such a thing can lead to dehydration, headache, skin problems and even death in extreme situations.

Ways to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex

Emergency contraception

It’s time to use emergency contraception. Mostly these are the pills you take after the unplanned event to prevent the undesirable conception. They are also called the “morning after pills”. These pills can be taken right after the sex or during the upcoming 5 days. They do not produce 100 percent guarantee for not conceiving the child. However, they lower the risks.

These pills are not abortion pills, as they do not contain mifepristone. This chemical evokes abortion, which according to the Bible is murder. However the next morning pills contain high doses of hormone, which lessens the chances of an egg getting fertilized with sperm.

You may not know, but the conception does not take place right after the sex. The sperm can stay in the womb for up to 5 days. Basically, you can get impregnated few days after the sex. This is an important piece of information for all ladies. If you take the hormone pills, you can stop ovulation and prevent pregnancy.

As it was mentioned, abortion pills are different and they are not an option. So, when you shop for such pills, read the instruction carefully.


You  might have heard about this one. It is a mechanical method used to wash away and remove sperm out of your vagina. You should use clean water or chamomile solution for this purpose. However, be aware that douching increases the risks of developing vaginal infections after unprotected sex.

  Contraceptive Sponge

This is a small sponge which contains spermicide. This liquid kills sperm preventing it from fertilizing the egg. Keep in mind that it can evoke allergic reaction and irritation in your private parts.
How to prevent pregnancy – best contraception methods

As you may see, ways to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex are not many. Drinking salt and water is not one of them. Some people report they have used it and it worked just fine. Most likely, those are just lucky girls and that is it. Do not rely on such “remedies”.

Now, we live in the modern world. There is nothing wrong with the desire of women to get protected and do birth control. Even the Bible does not say anything against non-abortive birth control methods. So, why not benefit from them? Just remember that none of them provides 100% guarantee! The only real way to avoid pregnancy is to avoid sex.

Guys seem to get comfortable with the idea of having a condom in their pocket or bag just in case. However, most girls are ashamed of having one. Nigeria is the country with high level of HIV, AIDS, syphilis and other STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). So the undesirable pregnancy might turn out to be the least of your problems after the unprotected sex.

So, the best way to stay well is to avoid it all together. Stay in purity or mate with your husband. Still, if that is not the case, get armed with a condom. Stop by a shop and get few just in case. Carry them around in your purse and do not be ashamed of it. You are the one responsible for your own health and wellbeing.

IMPORTANT FACT: effectiveness of male condom is around 82 percent.


What the heck are these? These are the female condoms. They differ much from the traditional kind and require special skills to install them. You can find more information here: How to use female condom – 10 easy steps for Nigerian ladies.

IMPORTANT FACT: effectiveness of female condom is around 79 percent.

PS: Keep in mind that both condoms and femadons also protect you from STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), AIDS and other infections, while the rest of the contraceptives have only the birth control function!


It is a special small devices used to prevent sperm getting into cervix. It is flexible and can be coupled by spermicide to boost its efficacy. Just apply the spermicide cream right before the use of it. The huge downside of such a thing is its high price. It may cost around 80 US dollars and is prescribed and sold by doctors.

IMPORTANT FACT: effectiveness of female condom is around 88 percent.

Non abortive contraception pills

Remember that these should be taken regularly. Most of the contain hormones and they should be prescribed by your doctor. Pick them carefully. Most such drugs have significant side effects.

IMPORTANT FACT: effectiveness of female condom is around 91 percent depending on brand and type.

Cervical Cap

This cup is inserted before sex to prevent sperm from getting inside and getting you impregnated. It is an affordable and rather effective type of birth control options.
IMPORTANT FACT: effectiveness of female condom is around 80 percent.

Now you have a list of possible options and know what to do after the unprotected sex to prevent undesirable pregnancy or how to get protected using various means. Share this with your friends to help them out.


Monday 11 January 2016

Lady Gaga Sex Scandal with Taylor Kinney

Always knew shae was crazy but this really redefines it. Lady Gaga had sex on a canvas splattered with paint with Taylor Kinney for the cover of V Magazine for peace, which is pretty cool, though honestly how much of an excuse do you need to do any of that? In a photo posted to Twitter, Gaga shared her (or rather Kinney's, he's the one holding the camera) post-coital selfie and announced that all of the proceeds from the cover's sale would go to her charity, the Born This Way Foundation.


Lady Gaga seen having Sex with Taylor Kinneyon a Canvas for V Magazine and Also ‘For Peace’

Gaga is V's guest editor for the issue and she also included cover photos of Karl Lagerfeld and Hedi Slimane, among shots of other friends. Inside, she revealed that Kinney has wanted to do the nasty on canvas for a long time. "Years ago, when we were secretly living in San Diego and crashing on the floor of a beach shack," she wrote, "We never wore shoes. He told me he wanted to make love to me on a canvas." And as for the performance's political dimension, Gaga wrote that the lovemaking is supposed to be a defiant act amid violence across the world. "We made love on the canvas on a Sunday in Chicago. We made love amidst chaos. We talked about shootings. We made love amidst terrorism. And we talked about how people’s hearts are also suffering all over the world as they watch and witness a swell of violence. We made love amidst violence." That's not necessarily our first choice for pillow talk, but whatever works for you.

And in an interview with James Franco inside the issue (currently only in print), Gaga spoke to James Franco about her upcoming studio album, which is expected to drop later this year. She talked about the way her role on American Horror Story gave her "clarity," and promised that the upcoming release will be a little calmer compared to her previous work. "I have a little less of an instinct to be reckless with my music now because I'm reckless in other places," Gaga said, "So now I'm thinking more about what it is I want to say and what I want to leave on Earth. It's less an expression of all my pain." Sounds like the new album is going to be less ARTPOP and more Tony Bennett. Sorry, all five of you ARTPOP stans.

Source chat212

Saturday 9 January 2016

North Korea say Now has the Power not share same fate as Lybia, Iraq or Syria

Well there you have it, North Korea's Kim Jong Un having watched and understood the games and plans of US and its allies, how the have brought about crisis in different countries by toppling the government like Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia and an attempt to remove the Syrian President Assad, have defended his hydrogen bomb test.

The Hydrogen bomb, which he says had put North Korea among countries with nuclear power which would deter countries with sinister motives towards his country.

All though, the news of feat by North Korea did not sit well with countries like China, Japan, Russia and the United State who not only see it as a violation of the nuclear treaty but as a treat as the could all be in the line of fire the Korean country.

However, North Korea has hailed its newly-developed “miniaturized thermonuclear bomb”, allegedly tested this week, as a weapon of stability that will serve as a deterrent against any invasion that could set the nation on the same path as Libya or Iraq.

The communist state said that “indigenous efforts and technology” helped the nation join the family of nuclear states, capable of defending their sovereignty and deterring “hostile” forces from possible invasions.

Source edited from newsrescue

Here is a History of Sarah Baartman The Lady Beyonce wants to Play in a Movie

This is a very interesting story. Funny how I never knew about her until today when I came across this article that I just had to read, and then share. It’s kinda interesting how some of us just go through life not knowing how we got to where we are, and who made it happen. Most f us preferred to remain oblivious to the history. But if you are one of those who are curious about the past and keen on making the future better, then this story is for you. Happy viewing!

Sarah Baartman, displayed as a freak because of  her unusual physical features, was finally laid to rest 187 years after she left Cape Town for London. Her remains were buried on Women’s Day, 9 August 2002, in the area of her birth, the Gamtoos River Valley in the Eastern Cape.

Baartman was born in 1789. She was working as a slave in Cape Town when she was “discovered” by British ship’s doctor William Dunlop, who persuaded her to travel with him to England. We’ll never know what she had in mind when she stepped on board – of her own free will – a ship for London. But it’s clear what Dunlop had in mind – to display her as a “freak”, a “scientific curiosity”, and make money from these shows, some of which he promised to give to her.

Baartman had unusually large buttocks and genitals, and in the early 1800s Europeans were arrogantly obsessed with their own superiority, and with proving that others, particularly blacks, were inferior and oversexed.

Baartman’s physical characteristics, not unusual for Khoisan women, although her features were larger than normal, were “evidence” of this prejudice, and she was treated like a freak exhibit in London.

She was called the “Hottentot Venus”, ‘Hottentot’ being a name given to people with cattle. They had acquired these cattle by migrating northwards to Angola and returned to South Africa with them, about 2 000 years before the first European settlement at the Cape in 1652. Prior to this, they were indistinguishable from the Bushmen or San, the first inhabitants of South Africa, who had been in the region for around 100 000 years as hunter-gatherers.

Khoisan is used to denote their relationship to the San people. The label “Hottentot” took on derogatory connotations, and is no longer used.

Venus is the Roman goddess of love, a cruel reference to Baartman being an object of admiration and adoration instead of the object of leering and abuse that she became. She spent four years in London, then moved to Paris, where she continued her degrading round of shows and exhibitions. In Paris she attracted the attention of French scientists, in particular Georges Cuvier.

No one knows if Dunlop was true to his word and paid Baartman for her “services”, but if he did pay her, it wasn’t sufficient to buy herself out of the life she was living.

Once the Parisians got tired of the Baartman show, she was forced to turn to prostitution. She didn’t last the ravages of a foreign culture and climate, or the further abuse of her body. She died in 1815, at the age of 25.The cause of death was given as “inflammatory and eruptive sickness”, possibly syphilis. Others suggest she was an alcoholic. Whatever the cause, she lived and died thousands of kilometres from home and family, in a hostile city, with no means of getting herself home again. Cuvier made a plaster cast of her body, then removed her skeleton and, after removing her brain and genitals, pickled them and displayed them in bottles at theMusee de l’Hommein Paris.


Some 160 years later they were still on display, but were finally removed from public view in 1974. In 1994, then president Nelson Mandela requested that her remains be brought home. Other representations were made, but it took the French government eight years to pass a bill – apparently worded so as to prevent other countries from claiming the return of their stolen treasures – to allow their small piece of “scientific curiosity” to be returned to South Africa.

In January 2002, Sarah Baartman’s remains were returned and buried on 9 August 2002, on South Africa’s Women’s Day, at Hankey in the Eastern Cape Province.  Her grave has since been declared a national heritage site.

Marang Setshwaelo, writing for at the time, said Dr Willa Boezak, a Khoisan rights activist, believed that a poem written by Khoisan descendant Diana Ferrus in 1998 played a major role in helping bring Baartman home. Boezak said: “It took the power of a woman, through a simple, loving poem, to move hard politicians into action.”

Whatever the reason, Sarah Baartman is home, and has finally had her dignity restored by being buried where she belongs – far away from where her race and gender were so cruelly exploited.

Source fastnewsng

Ruthless Father sets his Son Ablaze after he Tied his Legs and Hands

Omu-Aran (Kwara) – A 22-year-old man in Omu-Aran, Kwara, Sola Akangbe, died in the early hours of Saturday following wounds from a fire allegedly set on him by his biological father, Kehinde.

The deceased, a wheelbarrow pusher, was said to have suffered high degree burns and was confirmed dead by doctors at Ajisafe Hospital, Omu-Aran, where he was rushed to by the police on Friday.

The doctors at the hospital battled to save his life as the fire affected most parts of his body.

The deceased was said to have been accused of stealing an undisclosed amount of money from some roadside beggars on Friday and was apprehended and handed over to his father.

The father, a commercial driver, allegedly drove his son to a nearby bush on Omu-Aran-Isanlu-Isin road, tied his hands and legs before setting him ablaze.

Sola, who was still alive when he was rescued, told his rescuers that his father was responsible for the act.

The mother of the deceased, Rachael, was seen crying in the hospital after the death of her son was broken to her.

The mother, who is a trader based in Odo-Owa, another suburb, told NAN that a friend had notified her of the development on phone before she rushed to the hospital to check on her son.

The mother, who acknowledged that Sola was an unrepentant troublesome fellow, however, expressed shock at the father’s action.

She disclosed that although she gave birth few weeks ago, she had divorced Kehinde about seven years ago as a result of irreconcilable differences.

Mr Ajayi Okasanmi, the Police Public Relation Officer in the state, confirmed the incident, saying that the suspect was already in police custody and that investigation was ongoing.

Source nigeriacamera

Trump Send Muslim Woman out of his Campaigns

A Muslim woman was escorted from a Donald Trump rally on Friday night, after she stood silently behind the Republican frontrunner wearing a shirt that read: “Salam, I come in peace.”

Bill Clinton avoids taking Donald Trump's bait as he campaigns for Hillary
 Read more
Rose Hamid, who was also wearing a hijab, said people near her in a crowd of more than 6,000 people in Rock Hill, South Carolina, were kind to her until she began her protest.

“My purpose for going there,” Hamid said, “is I have a sincere belief that if people get to know each other one on one then they’ll stop being afraid of each other and we will be able to get rid of all of this hate in the world, literally.”

She and an unidentified man stood when Trump said Syrian immigrants should not be allowed into the US. Both were wearing yellow star-shaped badges that bore the word “Muslim” and were intentionally reminiscent of the yellow badges Jewish people were forced to wear under Nazi rule.

They were then escorted out of the venue.

Hamid said that before her protest, people sitting nearby had spoken with her and shared popcorn. Once she stood, though, the crowd around began to chant “Trump, Trump”. Hamid said one person accused her of having a bomb. Reporters said they heard people making “ugly” comments all around the rally.

Trump, whose rally in Burlington, Vermont on Thursday was repeatedly disrupted by protesters, has called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the US, a policy he introduced in South Carolina in December. He promoted the policy in his first campaign ad, saying such a ban should remain in place “until we can figure out what’s going on”.

Hamid, 56, said she had not been afraid to go into the crowd because she believed people would have stopped more serious threats. But she said the crowd’s reaction to her protest was indicative of the power of Trump’s rhetoric.

“It was really quite telling and a vivid example of what happens when you start using this hateful rhetoric and how it can incite a crowd,” she said.

“I don’t even think he believes in the rhetoric he is spewing.

South Carolina rally last night was so unbelievably exciting (and fun). I am now off to Iowa for two big rallies - packed houses. Love it!

Protests at Trump rally and Obama speaks out on guns – as it happened
The GOP frontrunner hosted a rally in Burlington, Vermont, among Sanders faithful, while the president took part in a live townhall to discuss gun control.

On Saturday John Kasich, the governor of Ohio who is also running for the Republican presidential nomination, said the crowd’s booing of Hamid and her fellow protester was “terrible”.

“We’re not a country that feels good about yelling or insulting people,” he said on CNN. “Maybe it was a Friday night, who knows.”

Kasich also said the video of Hamid and the man being booed and taken out of the Trump event would be shown around the world, potentially damaging America’s standing with Muslim countries, allies in the fight against Islamic State.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (Cair), meanwhile, called on Trump to apologize.

“The image of a Muslim woman being abused and ejected from a political rally sends a chilling message to American Muslims,” Cair’s executive director, Nihad Awad, said in a statement.

“Donald Trump should issue a public apology to the Muslim woman kicked out of his rally and make a clear statement that American Muslims are welcome as fellow citizens and as participants in the nation’s political process.”

Source theguardian

Dolce & Gabbana Brings Fashion into the Muslim World

Let me try to give a little insight into what’s it’s like for me to shop as a Muslim woman. I walk into any retail store, look for the mini-dresses and decide how I can layer it on top of a pair of pants and a long-sleeved top. In the fitting room, I will twirl to make sure nothing is too clingy – or too akin to a potato sack. Long shirts are always a good find and dresses are usually hit or miss. This can be a frustrating experience, as most stores across America don’t really have hijabi Muslim-friendly ready to wear clothing.

This won’t change with the release this week of the Dolce & Gabbana 2016 abaya collection. The collection is being lauded by fashion magazines and websites because the designers are showing that “modest” doesn’t have to equate to dowdy, boring or head-to-toe neutrals. But I don’t know if most Muslim women believe that anymore.

Tying to be stylish while maintaining modesty has been at the crux of Muslim women’s fashionable dilemmas for years, and one capsule collection won’t change that status quo – though it’s nice to see designers recognizing Muslim women, especially now, when creeping Islamophobia means women can be targeted for “looking Muslim”.

 Dolce & Gabbana launched an abaya collection this week to much aclaim. Photograph: Courtesy of Dolce & Gabbana

It could reflect the fact that, in 2013, Muslim women spent $266bn on fashion globally, a figure expected to increase to $484bn by 2019.

But much-publicized capsule collections like D&G’s, even if well intentioned, still keep us on the outer edges of inclusivity by virtue of the fact that it feels rare instead of mundane. I want to see Dolce & Gabbana – and every other design house – make clothes for the everyday Muslim woman. Clothes she can wear to work, to school, to party.

It would even be great to see some of these abayas pared down for school drop-offs and D&G signature gowns “Muslimified” for our formal events. The D&G collection may be appropriate for Eid, but we exist the other 11 months of the year. And some of us can’t afford couture.

Around the Middle East there are souks lined with stores that are jam-packed with abayas. They come in all colors and styles. Depending on the region, their prices range from cheap to extremely expensive. And the European and American brands tend to tailor their clothes to the demographic so those long tops and flowing skirts are more readily available.

That’s not the case in much of the west, though the Muslim population continues to rise in America and across Europe. With numbers like that, one would think designers would be falling over themselves to cater to this demographic.

Dolce & Gabbana are being applauded for “groundbreaking moves in the fashion industry, where the blinkers are usually firmly on when it comes to diversity”. But it’s 2016: should we really have to do a happy dance every time designers throw us a crumb?

Muslim women are making room for themselves at the table. They are fashion bloggers, designers, models and media moguls. We aren’t looking for validation anymore. This collection is a great first step but it won’t change our lives – my shopping experience will remain a challenge with or without it.

Source theguardian

BREAKING South Korea Seeking War with North Korea

North Korea has warned that the South’s resumption of anti-Pyongyang propaganda broadcasts on the border could push the Korean Peninsula to “the brink of war.”

Seoul on Friday unleashed a propaganda barrage across the border, ratcheting up tensions following Pyongyang’s announcement of successful testing of a hydrogen bomb.

In the first official reaction to the broadcasts, head of North Korea’s ruling Workers’ Party propaganda department Kim Ki-nam lashed out at the move.

“Jealous of the successful test of our first H-bomb, the US and its followers are driving the situation to the brink of war by saying they have resumed psychological broadcasts and brought in strategic bombers,” Kim said.

The broadcasts include a mix of everything from music to news and rhetoric against the North Korean government. They are reminiscent of psychological warfare tactics that date back to the 1950-53 Korean War.

On Friday, thousands of people gathered in central Pyongyang in a show of support for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on his birthday.

People watch a huge screen broadcasting North Korea’s announcement of performing a hydrogen bomb test in Pyongyang, January 6, 2016. ©Reuters
While the US and its allies have cast doubt on North's testing allegation, they have pledged to launch a "united and strong" response and the UN Security Council has threatened North Korea with new sanctions.

North Korea’s state news agency said Friday in a statement that Pyongyang would continue to develop its nuclear program as a means of deterrence against potential acts of aggression from the United States.

North Korea, meanwhile, released the video of what it called a new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) test.

South Korean media cast doubt on the footage, saying it was an edited compilation of the North’s last month SLBM test in the Sea of Japan and a different ballistic missile test dating back to 2014.

A South Korean military official was reported as saying that Seoul and Washington had discussed the deployment of US strategic assets on the Korean peninsula.

Media reports said those assets could include B-2 and B-52 bombers, and a nuclear-powered submarine.

In 2013, North Korea threatened a nuclear strike on the US after Washington sent a pair of nuclear-capable B-2 stealth bombers on a sortie over South Korea in a show of force.

Source presstv

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