Monday 4 January 2016

Scary Demon Captured in an Ultrasound Scan, Do you Belive in Evil

When I saw this, I was completely speechless. I mean there wasn't a single explanation that I could come up with as I concentrated on this picture. I am welcome to your opinions.

An ultrasound photo has gone viral over the past few days, with claims that it includes an image that appears to be a “demon” next to an unborn baby — a photo that left the Daily Mail questioning whether it is the “creepiest ultrasound ever.”

In the picture, which has sparked a great deal of discussion after being posted to Imgur and Reddit on Jan. 1, there appears to be a figure to the right side of the child that is seemingly looking in his or her direction.
The Daily Mail reported that the fetus appears to be eight to 10 weeks gestation.
Look closely at the photo, which Inquisitr called “frightening,” below:


The photo is dated June 26, 2015, with the individual who posted it claiming to be a friend of the unnamed expectant mother.

That individual — purportedly Reddit user Luigivampa-Over9000 — said that the family was initially “freaked out” by the photo, but that the baby is fine.
“Everything is fine now. The baby was premature by 2 months,” the individual wrote. “They asked the tech who did the ultrasound what it was- they didn’t really have an answer besides they haven’t seen something like that before. Kinda an interesting story with a photo to go along.”
See the original Imgur posting here.

What do you think? Is the image Photoshopped, a trick of light — or something else entirely?

Source theblaze

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