Tuesday 19 January 2016

Drinking Rice Water Is Super Healthy for You here is Why!

I've grown up knowing rice water is meant to be thrown away atleast twice while cooking it and the same has been in practice by almost every one especially Nigeria' as it is believed to contain exess starch.

But guess what rice water is actually a super drink you shouldn't mess with it. Here is how to prepare rice water:

It is easy to be done and all you need is rice, fresh clean water and a pot. Boil the rice, and after it is cooked well, drain the water in a separate bowl and be careful not to leave any rice in the water. And finally your rice water is ready for consumption.

You need to know what only a glass of rice water does for you:

    It is a good source of energy:

It is rich with carbohydrates and this means lot of energy. The human body needs carbohydrates for energy, hence a glass of rice water in the morning is best to start a day. Also you can drink it when you feel tiredness or lack of energy.

    Prevents constipation:

Rice water is rich in fiber and smooth the progress bowel movements. Moreover, the starch motivates the development of useful bacteria in the stomach.

    Prevents dehydration:

During summer days we lose a lot of water through sweating and rice water is perfect to prevent dehydration and loss of nutrients.
 The best home remedy for viral infections:

    Rice water is utilized often as a solution for fever as it averts water loss. It recharges the lost supplements and speeds the recuperation process.

        Can treat diarrhea:

    Rice water turns out to be an amazing home solution for treat diarrhea both for adults and children. Newborns are more inclined to infections and diseases such as diarrhea and must be treated on time because if not it can lead to harsh dehydration. A study found that rice water was more reducing so as to compel in controlling the runs and recurrence of the stool in infants.

        Prevents Cancer

    Drinking cooked rice water frequently might likewise keep certain sorts of cancer away. This is one of the great advantages of drinking cooked rice water.

        Prevents Alzheimer

    Not yet confirmed but there are few sources that say that cooked rice water can keep the occurrence of Alzheimer’s sickness off. This is also one of the other great advantages of drinking cooked rice water.

        Protection From Sun

    Rice water contains a substance called oryzanol. It withstands the UV beams from the sun. Use rice water to offer your skin some assistance with taking the sun’s heat.

    I trust this article is extremely helpful for you, so share to your companions, drink rice water and appreciate every one of its advantages.

Source nigeriacamera

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